I am going to India on a business trip】的更多相关文章

I think English is very important,and learn it must perseverant.So I determined to write diary on Bokeyuan. We study English had serveral years,but we rarely used it.I am going to India on a business trip.India is very poor,dirty and badly traffic as…
工作必备 电脑.电源(下载好小助手.VPN.个人证书) 手机.充电器 重要参考书籍 生活用品 衣服,夏天体恤为主,别忘了加件外套 被罩.床单和枕巾 牙刷牙膏肥皂之类的必带,中号浴巾一条 拖鞋要不要? 380毫升左右太空杯或虎牌保温杯一个 雨天避免被冻着,雨具等 阿尔卑斯硬糖一条(万一当天没找到饭) 枣仁安神胶囊(不可过量,一次两粒最多,防止有睡觉打嗝放屁磨牙擦脚的) 清凉油:烦蚊虫 身份证.工作证 塑料袋若干 最重要 钱 信用卡 工资卡 现金若干 参考资料 百度知道 来自为知笔记(Wiz)…
背景       某航空公司需要到北京某服务提供商公司学习交流,为了节省出行成本让出差员工乘坐公司运营航线,去程路途较远.需要在先乘飞机到天津机场,转地铁后,再乘动车到北京.回程时发生 后补机票失败,导致出行人员无法返回公司.不得不在天津多住宿一晚.4个工作日出差只有3个小时办正事,其它时间浪费在路上与其它地方了.出差效率在哪儿? 员工的人工成本如何计算? 总体出行成本是否超支? 员工一天创造的价值+人工成本的总价还不能超过单程机票的价值?我们不能不质疑这个公司的管理过程.没有计划,缺乏时间管理…
There have been many articles on our site on software testing interviews. That is because, we, as IT professionals, have to experience and make it through many of them in many forms. At STH, we acknowledge this and we want to help our readers as much…
上周从一个朋友那里了解到长沙一家德国外企Bosch在招人,看了下只有MES工程师是对编程经验有要求的,抱着试一试的态度,就投了简历. 没想到对方周一就给我回电话,希望我好好准备一下英语面试,过段时间去面试.留给我的时间不多,我得赶快冷静下来想想. 为什么要选择这份工作?虽然跟我现在所学的并不完全相关,但考虑到博世是一家大型德企,对员工的培养自然不必说,不必愁未来出来找不到工作.进去后需要常用英语交流和写作,对自身成长也不错.恰恰自己近半年来都在熟悉Oracle,也能帮助我更快地适应这份工作.加上…
前端上传 <a href='javascript:upload("+data[i].id+")' title='Upload Report'> <img src='${pageContext.request.contextPath}/FlatUI/img/edit2.png' width=18px height=18px/></a> js函数 function upload(id){ var winObj = window.open ("/…
前台 <ul class="navtop-right"> <li > <a href="/portal/trip/importExec" title="Data Download"> <img src="${pageContext.request.contextPath}/style/images/excel6.jpg" width=20px height=20px style=&qu…
I love you not for who you are, but for who I am with you. 我爱你不是因为你是谁,而是因为跟你在一起,我是谁. I enjoy the feeling when staying with you, it is wonderful when I knew there is someone other than my parents caring about my life. When the weather becomes cold the…
Margot Carmichael Lester loves making good-natured jokes at work. As owner of The Word Factory, a Carrboro, N.C., content-creation company, she looks for employees with a sense of humor. 'I only want to work with people who can take a joke.' Sometime…
China unveiled a litany of bribery and misconduct allegations against GlaxoSmithKline GSK.LN -0.26% PLC, a move that industry experts said could presage a broader crackdown in a lucrative market for pharmaceutical and medical companies. a litany of:一…