def myReplace(s,sub, dest, times =None): #如果times是None,替换的次数是s.count(sub) if times == None: times = s.count(sub) sub_index = [] sub_length = len(sub) dest_length = len(dest) s = list(s) for i in range(len(s)): if s[i:i+sub_length] == list(sub): sub_i…
python字符串replace()方法 >>> help(str.replace)Help on method_descriptor:replace(...) S.replace(old, new[, count]) -> string Return a copy of string S with all occurrences of substring old replaced by new. If the optional argument cou…
直接给出结论:replace方法不会改变原字符串. temp_str = 'this is a test' print(temp_str.replace('is','IS') print(temp_str) thIS IS a test this is a test 如果是需要对原字符串进行替换,可以这样写,重新赋值 a=a.replace(oldstr,newstr) print(a)…
python字符串的方法 ############7个基本方法############ 1:join def join(self, ab=None, pq=None, rs=None): # real signature unknown; restored from __doc__ """ Concatenate any number of strings. The string whose method is called is inserted in between ea…