英式拍卖 是最普通的拍卖方式,其形式是拍卖过程中,竞价按阶梯,从低到高,依次递增.最终由出价最高者获得拍卖物品(竞买人变成买受人). The first price auction: a form ofauction, where bidders submit one bid in a concealed fashion. The person withthe highest bid wins the award, and pays the amount of his bid to the se…
本人最近带创业团队基本做完了一个艺术品拍卖的外包项目,分为网站前台(asp.net mvc5),网站管理员管理的后台使用的9900端口(asp.net mvc5),监听拍卖状态的windows服务,为手机端提供服务的服务器(asp.net web api),还有拍卖平台的android手机端和ios手机端.现在针对网站以及手机端服务器(本质就是RESTful Web API)使用的技术进行拆解做一个系列的博客. 按照国际惯例管理先上项目图 网站前台首页,艺术品展示使用的轮播 艺术品分类页面,关键…
#include <iostream> using namespace std; #define SIZE 9 #define MAXLEN 6 int data[SIZE][MAXLEN]; int numberLen[SIZE]; int overlapLen[SIZE+1][SIZE+1]; void IToA(int N ,int row) //数字转换为数组 { int tmp=N; int i=0; while(tmp) { i++; tmp/=10; } numberLen[ro…
#include <iostream> using namespace std; #define SIZE 12 int data[SIZE]; int data1[SIZE]; int n; int minstep; void xipai(int m); bool shun(); void dfs(int step); int main() { freopen("in.txt","r",stdin); minstep=6; while(scanf(&q…
Less-30 GET - BLIND - IMPIDENCE MISMATCH- Having" #false"--+ #true" order by 4--+ #false…
Less-27 GET - Error Based- All your UNION and select belong to us 过滤了union 和select的报错注入 查看源码: 使用%09 替换空格,大小写混淆绕过,关键字符,双写等绕过 UNiON,SElecT ununionion seselectlect payload:' %09and %09updatexml(null,concat(0x0a,(S…
Less-23 GET - Error based - strip comments' Warning: mysql_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in C:\phpStudy2018\PHPTutorial\WWW\sqli\Less-23\index.php on line 38 You have an error i…
Less-21:括号+单引号绕过+base64cookie编码 总感觉我已经把sql注入做成代码审计了:P <?php //including the Mysql connect parameters. include("../sql-connections/sql-connect.php"); if(!isset($_COOKIE['uname'])) { //including the Mysql connect parameters. include("../sq…