This example demonstrates how to set a clipping area using a shape. The example sets an oval for the clipping area and then draws and image. Only those pixels of the image that fall within the oval are displayed. // See e575 The Quintessential Drawin…
window.onresize = adjuest; function adjuest(){ var picw = $(".imgbox img").width(); var pich = $(".imgbox img").height(); var x1 = parseInt(picw*0.82004); // var y1 = parseInt(pich*0.36380); // var x2 = parseInt(picw*0.71700); var y2 =…
Using SetWindowRgn Home Back To Tips Page Introduction There are lots of interesting reasons for creating odd-shaped windows. This essay explains how to create a window of unusual shape. One of the first questions you should ask is "Why?" There…
Graphics Contexts Graphics contexts are a fundamental part of the drawing infrastructure in Cocoa applications. As the name suggests, a graphics context provides the context for subsequent drawing operations. It identifies the current drawing destina…
wx The classes in this module are the most commonly used classes for wxPython, which is why they have been made visible in the core wx namespace. Everything you need for building typical GUI applications is here. Class Summary Class Short Description…
[Path Creation and Path Painting] Path creation and path painting are separate tasks. First you create a path. When you want to render a path, you request Quartz to paint it. As you can see in Figure 3-1, you can choose to stroke the path, fill the p…
Version 3.6 - Last revised August 5, 2009 The Eclipse platform is highly configurable. Configuration input takes the form of command line arguments and System property settings. In many cases the command line arguments are simply short cuts for setti…
The most complex process in Virtual Treeview is without doubts its painting. Read here what stages Virtual Treeview enters during paint and how you can customize this process. Description Similar to the system tree view Virtual Treeview defines so ca…
1. The three principles of OOP are encapsulation(封装性), inheritance(继承性) and polymorphism(多态性). example: class Shape{ def area: Double = 0.0 } # supertype # subtypes class Rectangle(val width: Double, val height: Double) extends Shape{ override def ar…