对于此问题,在社区进行了提问,并得到了一些大牛的解答: http://postgresql.1045698.n5.nabble.com/Can-checkpoint-creation-be-parallel-td5773656.html 结论是: It would not make sense to have more than one checkpoint going on at the same time; it is a point at which recovery can begin.…
Flink在流上最大的特点,就是引入全局snapshot, CheckpointCoordinator 做snapshot的核心组件为, CheckpointCoordinator /** * The checkpoint coordinator coordinates the distributed snapshots of operators and state. * It triggers the checkpoint by sending the messages to the re…
PostgreSQL 在 checkpoint 之后在对数据页面的第一次写的时候会将整个数据页面写到 xlog 里面. 当出现主机断电或者OS崩溃时,redo操作时通过checksum发现“部分写”的数据页,并将xlog中保存的这个完整数据页覆盖当前损坏的数据页,然后再继续redo就可以恢复整个数据库了. 记住分两步进行. full_page_writes (boolean) When this parameter is on, the PostgreSQL server writes the…