Convert a BST to a sorted circular doubly-linked list in-place. Think of the left and right pointers as synonymous to the previous and next pointers in a doubly-linked list. Let's take the following BST as an example, it may help you understand the p…
Python算法:推导.递归和规约 注:本节中我给定下面三个重要词汇的中文翻译分别是:Induction(推导).Recursion(递归)和Reduction(规约) 本节主要介绍算法设计的三个核心知识:Induction(推导).Recursion(递归)和Reduction(规约),这是原书的重点和难点部分 正如标题所示,本节主要介绍下面三部分内容: • Reduction means transforming one problem to another. We normally red…
python算法(一) 一.求数x的因子 x=100 divisors=()#初始化空的元组 for i in range(1,x): if x%i==0: divisors=divisors+(i,) print divisors 二.求数x各个数位之和 sumdigits=0 for c in str(1952): sumdigits +=int(c) print sumdigits print sumdigits 三.鸡兔同笼以及变形 1.有鸡兔两种,共有x个头,y只脚,求解鸡兔各有几只?…