这是一位朋友提出的疑问,EF 映射主键可以对应多个外键吗?如果外键设置级联删除会发生什么情况?下面做一个测试,示例实体代码: public class Blog { public Blog() { Post1s = new List<Post1>(); Post2s = new List<Post2>(); } public int Id { get; set; } public string Title { get; set; } public string Url { get;…
SELECT 索引名称 = a.name , 表名 = c.name , 索引字段名 = d.name , 索引字段位置 = d.colid FROM sysindexes a JOIN sysindexkeys b ON a.id = b.id AND a.indid = b.indid JOIN sysobjects c ON b.id = c.id JOIN syscolumns d ON b.id = d.id AND b.colid = d.colid , ) -- and c.xty…
查询表的所有列及其属性:select t.*,c.COMMENTS from user_tab_columns t,user_col_comments c where t.table_name = c.table_name and t.column_name = c.column_name and t.table_name = women;查找表的主键:select cu.* from user_cons_columns cu, user_constraints au where cu.cons…