how to choose features, polynomial regression:通过定义更适合我们的feature,选择更好的模型,使我们的曲线与数据更好的拟合(而不仅仅是一条直线) 可以选择合适的feature,可能通过定义新的feature,可以得到更好的模型 例如在预测房子的价格与地基的长与宽之间的关系时,可以将地基的长与宽(两个feature)可以合并为一个feature---面积 如何将我们的模型与数据相拟合,可使用polynomial regression(多元线性回归)…
Andrew NG的Machine learning课程地址为: 在Linear Regression部分出现了一些新的名词,这些名词在后续课程中会频繁出现: Cost Function Linear Regression Gradient Descent Normal Equation Feature Scaling Mean normalization 损失函数 线性回归 梯度下降 正规方程 特征归一化 均值标准化 Mode…
coursera上面Andrew NG的Machine learning课程地址为: 我曾经使用Logistic Regression方法进行ctr的预测工作,因为当时主要使用的是成型的工具,对该算法本身并没有什么比较深入的认识,不过可以客观的感受到Logistic Regression的商用价值. Logistic Regression Model A. objective function       其中z的定义域是(-I…   How Can I Learn X? Learning Machine Learning Learning About Computer Science Educational Resources Advice Artificial Intelligence How-to Question Learning New Things Lea…
Machine Learning Crash Course  |  Google Developers Google's fast-paced, practical introduction to machine learning ML Concepts Introduction to Machine Learning As you'll discover, machine…
5 Techniques To Understand Machine Learning Algorithms Without the Background in Mathematics Where does theory fit into a top-down approach to studying machine learning? In the traditional approach to teaching machine learning, theory comes first req…
from: Machine Learning : Pre-processing features October 21, 2016 I am participating in this Kaggle competition. It is a prediction problem contest. The problem statement is: How…
参考: Machine Learning Identifies Stemness Features Associated with Oncogenic Dedifferentiation 前所未有!10篇<Cell>文章及封面聚焦人类伟大成就:癌症基因组图谱TCGA!改写教科书式突破! “癌症大地图”(Pan-Cancer Atlas) 肿瘤界“巅峰之作”:美国推出“泛癌症图谱”服务全人类 文章代码: PanCanStem 文档 相关培训: 待续~…
Machine Learning for Developers Most developers these days have heard of machine learning, but when trying to find an 'easy' way into this technique, most people find themselves getting scared off by the abstractness of the concept of Machine Learnin… 机器学习Machine Learning - Andrew NG courses学习笔记 Machine Learning System Design机器学习系统设计 Prioritizing What to Work On优先考虑做什么 the first decision we must make is how do we want to represent x, that is…