转自树之名原文npm WARN saveError ENOENT: no such file or directory解决 我是在安装sequelize时出错的.提示的错误没有保存,类似于参考的文章中说的安装vue时的报错. C:\Users\lxz>npm uninstall vueWcsp npm WARN saveError ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'C:\Users\lxz\package.json' npm WARN enoent…
install the react-native here comes a questions :: npm WARN react-native@0.41.2 requires a peer of react@~15.4.0 but none is installed. You must install peer dependencies yourself. HOW TO SOLVE THIS PROBLEM~~~~~::: Deleted node_module director…
执行 npm install socket.io安装时报错: [root@WEB node_modules]# npm install socket.ionpm WARN enoent ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/usr/local/nodejs/bin/package.json' npm WARN bin No description npm WARN bin No repository field. npm WARN bin No RE…
最近在研究node.js,在安装npm的时候发现了几个报错,瞬间蒙圈,查找文献基本解决(文献好少呀~ -.-) 一.报错:“can not open path/path/package.json” 原因:在安装npm的时候,终端会调取一个叫package.json的文件,里边包含了 name,version,dependencies 等等属性信息,当终端找不到该文件的时候也就不能完成安装操作. 解决方法:在对应的path下边创建该文件,并且把需要的模块写在dependencies…