167. Two Sum II - Input array is sorted[easy] Given an array of integers that is already sorted in ascending order, find two numbers such that they add up to a specific target number. The function twoSum should return indices of the two numbers such…
Given an array of integers that is already sorted in ascending order, find two numbers such that they add up to a specific target number. The function twoSum should return indices of the two numbers such that they add up to the target, where index1 m…
167. Two Sum II - Input array is sorted Given an array of integers that is already sorted in ascending order, find two numbers such that they add up to a specific target number. The function twoSum should return indices of the two numbers such that t…
Question 167. Two Sum II - Input array is sorted Solution 题目大意:和Two Sum一样,这里给出的数组是有序的 思路:target - nums[i],这样就实现了降维了 Java实现: public int[] twoSum(int[] nums, int target) { int[] result = new int[2]; Map<Integer, Integer> map = new HashMap<>(); f…
Given an array of integers that is already sorted in ascending order, find two numbers such that they add up to a specific target number. The function twoSum should return indices of the two numbers such that they add up to the target, where index1 m…
Difficulty:easy More:[目录]LeetCode Java实现 Description Given an array of integers that is already sorted in ascending order, find two numbers such that they add up to a specific target number. The function twoSum should return indices of the two numbe…
Given an array of integers that is already sorted in ascending order, find two numbers such that they add up to a specific target number. The function twoSum should return indices of the two numbers such that they add up to the target, where index1 m…
题目: Given an array of integers that is already sorted in ascending order, find two numbers such that they add up to a specific target number. The function twoSum should return indices of the two numbers such that they add up to the target, where inde…
Given an array of integers that is already sorted in ascending order, find two numbers such that they add up to a specific target number. The function twoSum should return indices of the two numbers such that they add up to the target, where index1 m…