Let's call the following process a transformation of a sequence of length nn. If the sequence is empty, the process ends. Otherwise, append the greatest common divisor (GCD) of all the elements of the sequence to the result and remove one arbitrary e…
这几天不知道写点什么,状态也不太好,搬个题上来吧 题意:给定一个数n,设一个从1到n的序列,每次删掉一个序列中的数,求按字典序最大化的GCD序列 做法:按2的倍数找,但是如果除2能得到3的这种情况要特殊处理(¥#……%¥……@#¥不知道该怎么描述,看代码吧) C. Sequence Transformation time limit per test 2 seconds memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output…