转自:http://www.hyggeit.dk/2014/02/virtual-servers-on-raspberry-pi-with.html Virtual servers on a Raspberry Pi with the light weight OS virtualization system Docker! Virtual servers on a Raspberry Pi with the light weight OS virtualization system, Dock…
elinux.org/Raspberry_Pi_Kernel_Compilation#Use_the_provided_compiler Software & Distributions: Software - an overview. Distributions - operating systems and development environments for the Raspberry Pi. Kernel Compilation - advice on compiling a ker…
This tutorial shows how to cross-compile the Embedded build of Qt 5.5 for Raspberry Pi 2. The Embedded build does not use the X11 server and instead displays the GUI directly using the Raspberry Pi framebuffer. We will show how to use a Raspberry Pi…
  What is this? "Roomblock" is a robot platform consists of a Roomba, a Raspberry Pi 2, a laser sensor(RPLIDAR) and a mobile battery. The mounting frame can be made by 3D printers. ROS navigation system enable to make a map of rooms and use it t…
After damaging the GPIO port on our raspberry pi while designing a new solar monitoring system we decided that it might be a good idea to build a buffer/level translator to protect the GPIO pins from over voltage and ESD spikes.  The board would need…
目录 1.OpenCV安装 (1)安装依赖 (2)下载OpenCV源码 (3)安装pip (4)安装Python虚拟机 (5)编译OpenCV (6)验证安装 2.使用OpenCV和Python控制摄像头模块 (1)picamera模块安装 (2)使用Python代码控制摄像头 3.人脸识别 1.OpenCV安装 说到OpenCV的安装,我想做人脸识别,网上找了很多教程,都涉及到OpenCV,而很多教程是基于Adrian Rosebrock的这篇教材Raspbian Stretch: Insta…
下文为转载,文章转自:http://wangye.org/blog/archives/845/,仅供本次学习实践参考. 最近又开始折腾起Raspberry Pi来了,因为某处上网需要锐捷拨号,于是我就想能不能让我的树莓派代劳,当然首先要将其改造为路由器,默认自带的网口作为WAN口,我们还缺一个网口,木有办法,只好占用一个USB口,接上一个USB网卡,网上的USB转RJ45网线口的适配器比较少,价格也不便宜,于是就考虑干脆将其改造成无线路由,也符合时下高端大气上档次的标准. 准备工作,当然要先去购…
参考: http://www.siongboon.com/projects/2013-07-08_raspberry_pi/index.html Raspberry Pi         Get started with Raspberry Pi (RPi), a step by step approach to get your Raspberry Pi with low level electronics hardware control. Make simple, step by step…
http://wangye.org/blog/archives/845/ 最近又开始折腾起Raspberry Pi来了,因为某处上网需要锐捷拨号,于是我就想能不能让我的树莓派代劳,当然首先要将其改造为路由器,默认自带的网口作为WAN口,我们还缺一个网口, 木有办法,只好占用一个USB口,接上一个USB网卡,网上的USB转RJ45网线口的适配器比较少,价格也不便宜,于是就考虑干脆将其改造成无线路由, 也符合时下高端大气上档次的标准. 准备工作,当然要先去购买一个USB无线网卡,可以购买的型号比较多…
The Arduino is a small Atmel-based microcontroller development board easily integrated into many different types of digital control and automation. Hundreds of thousands of Makers, hobbyists and researchers around the world make use of Arduino variat…
前言 上一篇我们讲了在linux环境下给树莓派安装系统及入门各种资料 ,今天我们更进一步,尝试在PI3上安装openCV开发环境. 博主在做的过程中主要参考一个国外小哥的文章(见最后链接1),不过其教程中有一个地方稍微有点问题,导致我入坑好久!这里也会着重说明下. 1.Expand filesystem 新安装系统之后,首要的工作就是扩大文件系统.因为,用SD卡安装完系统后一大部分空间实际是未被分配的: sudo raspi-config 选择7高级,然后选择“1. Expand File Sy…
How to emulate a Raspberry Pi on your PC I am very interested in trying simulators and emulators for popular IoT devices. One of those is the Raspberry Pi. As I was searching for simulators, I found that one of the best ones is QEMU. I found lots of…
Compiling a kernel module for the raspberry pi 2 via Ubuntu host Normally compiling a kernel module for a linux distribution is rather straight forward, but on the raspberry pi however it's a little more involved. That's why in this article I am goin…
使用htpdate同步时间 由于树莓派板子上没有 RTC 硬件和电池,因此树莓派上的系统时间重启是保存不了的.网上已经有人想到应对 NTP 被防火墙封掉类似的需求了,开源的 htpdate 命令直接使用 HTTP 协议来进行系统时间同步,项目主页在这里: https://github.com/iridium77/htpdate htpdate 的原理也非常简单,直接解析 HTTP 协议头中的服务器时间信息,然后设置本地时间,我们来看百度返回的 HTTP 头: HTTP/1.1 200 OK Da…
1.png . 官方教程: INSTALLING OPERATING SYSTEM IMAGES: https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/installation/installing-images/ https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/installation/installing-images/windows.md 1 DOCUMENTATION > INSTALLATION > INSTALLI…
1. 如何在没有显示器的情况下,查看 Raspberry Pi 3的 IP 信息(Raspberry Pi 3 ,IP Address) 1 IP Address Any device connected to a Local Area Network is assigned an IP address. In order to connect to your Raspberry Pi from another machine using SSH or VNC, you need to know…
最近公司有项目想要在树莓派上做,代替原来的工控机(我们是把工控主机当作小的主机用,一台小的工控主机最少也要600左右,而树莓派只要200多).于是,公司买了一个Raspberry Pi B+和一个Raspberry Pi 2 B,并要求能在B+上做就尽量用B+,原因很简单,B+比Raspberry Pi 2要便宜70左右.拿到闻名已久的树莓派之后很是兴奋,试着从官网下载了官方推荐的镜像raspbian,用Win32DiskImager烧录到SD卡上,然后上电,起初屏幕上什么都没显示,不管重新烧写…
最新的下载地址是: https://www.offensive-security.com/kali-linux-arm-images/ 按照官网的说法是找不到树莓派版本的SHA1SUM和SHA1SUMS.gpg文件的,所以官网上以下的验证没法继续做:…
there are some things to do for raspberry pi 3b for the first time: 1, connect pi with monitor/KB/mouse, then power on it and go into its desktop(by default):expand system up to the whole storage of SD card(it seems to be maximum of 64G by official e…
首先请大家原谅我的"不务正业",放着RabbitHub不写,各种系列的文章不写搞什么Iot,哈哈,最近心血来潮想搞个速度极快的遥控车玩,望着在角落的Raspberry Pi恶狠狠的开着各种折腾它 材料选购 这里得感谢万能的TB,能买到很多现实生活中可能根本问不到的东西.下面列一下本次TB购物清单. 小车底盘一套(轮子.马达.舵机.底盘.各种螺丝等) L298N模块一个 杜邦线(公对母.公对公.母对母)若干 6节5号电池盒一个 下面是一些工具,托人带的 烙铁.焊锡 导线 万用表 螺丝刀一…
一.初衷 近期正在做网络计算编程的作业.要求平台为unix/linux,想着Raspberry Pi装的Debian系统也是Linux改的,也应该能够勉强用着,所以就用它来做作业了! 二.说明 先把环境搭了(配置unp.h头文件环境),具体步骤见下文 http://www.voidcn.com/blog/liyuefeilong/article/p-5697814.html 编译出错 ,如上图,解决方案: http://www.cnblogs.com/instorm/p/3415483.html…
一.概述 2016年暑假某宝入手Raspberry Pi 3,装机清单: 树莓派主板 亚克力外壳 小风扇 散热片 30G SD card 螺丝若干颗 因机型问题,可能与你的机器有微小差异 二.装机过程 2.1 开箱一览 树莓派主板(塑料袋装) + 安全指南 + 快速开始指南 + 包装纸盒 树莓派主板正反面 亚克力外壳 + 小风扇 2.2 亚克力外壳拼装及主板内嵌 由于主板是内嵌进外壳的,因此需要在拼装外壳的同时,将主板同步嵌入其中. 由于亚克力外壳是被拆分成块的,相互之间的拼接完全是靠不同块儿之…
Setting up Wifi with the Command Line  SIMON MONK   This tutorial works best if your router is broadcasting the SSID. Make sure you have "Broadcast SSID" set up on your router! This may not work with "private" SSID setups Setting up Wi…
参考:http://programmingadvent.blogspot.hk/2012/12/raspberry-pi-uart-with-pyserial.html Raspberry Pi UART with PySerial   OS: Occidentalis v0.2Hardware: Raspberry Pi Revision B with CobblerSetup: Serial loopback (connect RX and TX pins on GPIO pins) Lin…
参考:RPi Serial Connection 本文来自:http://www.raspberry-projects.com/pi/programming-in-c/uart-serial-port/using-the-uart Using the UART If you are running Raspbian or similar then the UART will be used as a serial console.  Using a suitable cable, such as…
本文参考 http://www.instructables.com/id/Raspberry-Pi-I2C-Python/all/?lang=zh 作者 AntMan232 In this instructable, I will explain how to use I2C on the Pi, with the examples of the CMPS03 compass module and SRF08 Ultrasonic range, using python. I will expl…
Raspberry Pi 手把手教你在树莓派上安装USB无线网卡支持WIFI 树莓派虽然已经有了有线网卡,但是并未配置无线网卡,移动性不够强,好在机器配备了2个USB口,当然要分一个出来给WIFI无线网卡使用了,这样小派使用起来就更便利了!我手头有个NetCore磊科NW336无线网卡,非常便宜的那种,好像芯片是Realtek的,插入USB口试试,发现网卡上的指示灯会闪烁,感觉有戏,马上登陆系统折腾:(一)查看USB设备类型,寻找USB无线网卡是否已经被系统识别.运行lsusbpi@raspbe…
1.配件套装里最好有wifi网卡,非常小如下图 插入Raspberry pi的USB口,用lsusb来查看USB设备列表如下 pi@raspberrypi~/Desktop $ lsusb Bus 001 Device 002: ID 0424:9512 Standard Microsystems Corp.  Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub Bus 001 Device 003: ID 0424:ec…
本文主要用于记录安装过程,以便日后查阅回顾. 之前在自己的树莓派上运行的一直是通过NOOB安装的Raspbian,但是本人平时更喜欢用Fedora作为开发和使用环境,而且Raspbian上的软件包通常更新比较缓慢.因为树莓派2代B型上市前,树莓派的芯片都是armv6或者更早的架构,只能运行ARM架构的Raspbian或者Fedora 18及更早版本.树莓派2代B型搭载的芯片架构是armv7,树莓派3代搭载的芯片架构是armv8,这两种芯片都能够运行ARM架构的Fedora 23,而仅运行Rasp…
在树莓派上玩了一小段时间了,因为装的软件包越来越多,所以越来越感觉16G的SD卡没办法长期使用下去.于是采购了几张64G的SD卡,打算周末装上系统.可是按照一般的流程,在Windows下用SD Formatter格式化后,我的Raspberry Pi 2B似乎完全无动于衷,一点反应也没有.经过查找资料,找到了原因.主要是因为大于32GB的SD卡, SD Formatter会默认以exFAT的格式进行格式化,而Raspberry Pi目前的机型都还不支持对该格式的识别,因此才会无法识别大于32GB…