shit layui & bugs】的更多相关文章

shit layui & bugs use is not useful at all! layui.use(["form", "layer"], function() { let form = layui.form, layer = layui.layer; }); layui.use([], function() { let form = layui.form, layer = lay…
There are some Common Bugs in C Programming. Most of the contents are directly from or modified from Prof. Liu Pangfeng's blog. Most credits should go to him. For all the following problems, answer the output message of the code, unless they are spec…
Time Limit: 10000MS   Memory Limit: 64000K Total Submissions: 5090   Accepted: 2529 Case Time Limit: 2000MS   Special Judge Description Ivan is fond of collecting. Unlike other people who collect post stamps, coins or other material stuff, he collect…
很好用的一个ui组件,弹出,分页等 1 带叉叉的弹窗{ type: , title: false, //不显示标题 content: 'hehe', //捕获的元素 area: ['400px', '200px'], //宽高 //scrollbar: false, cancel: function(index) { layer.close(index); } });…
SugarSite一个前端支持移动端的企业网站,目前只支持了简单功能,后续还会加上论坛等. 源码GIT地址: 技术介绍 Layui 个人而言不喜欢引用一堆东西,越简洁越好,layui正好能够满足我的这种需求,它是一款轻量级UI,JS部分都是采用模块化设计(AMD) ,对移动端支持比较不错. 唯 一不足是目前支持的组件有些少,需要有一定前端扩展能力的人才可以顺心使用. 用法: 例如我想用form.js和uploda.j…
题目描述 Ivan is fond of collecting. Unlike other people who collect post stamps, coins or other material stuff, he collects software bugs. When Ivan gets a new program, he classifies all possible bugs into n categories. Each day he discovers exactly one…
> Robomongo > 日常使用频率最高的客户端 存在BUG: 在 db.getCollection('xzq').find({"_id" : ObjectId("57ecd5a7228c821ab8655cf8")}) 查找后,GUI下再更改此条数据,有一定几率报BUG,如下图…
<!doctype html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>layui</title> <meta name="renderer" content="webkit"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge…
全部参数 一.核心方法:laydate(options); options是一个对象,它包含了以下key: '默认值' { elem: '#id', //需显示日期的元素选择器 event: 'click', //触发事件 format: 'YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss', //日期格式 istime: false, //是否开启时间选择 isclear: true, //是否显示清空 istoday: true, //是否显示今天 issure: true, 是否显示确认 festi…
之前用layer用了很长时间,感觉很好用,最近看到了layui的发布很想尝试尝试. 加入了挺多的功能,比如编辑器,上传,form表单等等.…