MySQL Horizontal Scaling】的更多相关文章 single database => master / slave  => sharding ( at stage of master/slave, you might need to add…
MySQL is one of the most popular open-source relational databases, used by lots of projects around the world including incredibly large-scale ones like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc. Obviously, such projects need a truly reliable and highly-availab…
本文由云+社区发表 作者:腾讯云数据库 Introduction 导言 任何看到显著增长的应用程序或网站,最终都需要进行扩展,以适应流量的增加.以确保数据安全性和完整性的方式进行扩展,对于数据驱动的应用程序和网站来说十分重要.人们可能很难预测某个网站或应用程序的流行程度,也很难预测这种流行程度会持续多久,这就是为什么有些机构选择"可动态扩展的"数据库架构的原因. 在这篇概念性文章中,我们将讨论一种"可动态扩展的"数据库架构:分片数据库.近年来,分片(Sharding…
cncf landscape CNCF Cloud Native Interactive Landscape 1. App Definition and Development 1. Database Vitess:itess is a database clustering system for horizontal scaling of MySQL. Apache CarbonData:Apache CarbonData is an indexed columnar data format…
原文地址:KUBERNETES DISTRIBUTED APPLICATION DEPLOYMENT WITH SAMPLE FACE RECOGNITION APP 原文作者:skarlso 译文出自:掘金翻译计划 好的,伙计,让我们静下心来.下面将会是一个漫长但充满希望和有趣的旅程. 我将使用 Kubernetes 部署分布式应用程序.我试图创建一个类似于真实世界 app 的应用程序.显然,由于时间和精力有限,我不得不忽略一些细节部分. 我的重点将放在 Kubernetes 和应用部署上.…
This page provides an overview of Pod, the smallest deployable object in the Kubernetes object model. Understanding Pods How Pods manage multiple Containers Networking Storage Working with Pods Pods and Controllers Pod Templates Understanding Pods Th… Core NoSQL Systems: [Mostly originated out of a Web 2.0 need] Wide Column Store / Column Families Hadoop / HBase API: Java / any writer, Protocol: any write call, Query Method: MapReduce Java / any exec, Replication: HDFS Re… Storage PATA, SATA, SAS (15,000 rpm), SSD, RAID0 : striping, double throughput / size, no redundancy; RAID1 : mirror; RAID2 : bit-level striping with parity, not used today; RAID3 : bit-level striping with dedicated parit…
CNCF Cloud Native Interactive Landscape 1. App Definition and Development 1. Database Vitess:itess is a database clustering system for horizontal scaling of MySQL. Apache CarbonData:Apache CarbonData is an indexed columnar data format for fast analyt…
参考redHat的官方文章翻译而来: OpenShift Origin Openshift Origin是Openshift的开源版本,可以用来创建.部署以及管理云端的app.根据每个app使用到的服务的类型(数据库.语言环境),Oepnshift会为你提供一个文件系统为你创造运行环境(a template file system layout is provided…