原文地址:http://www.yourenterprisearchitect.com/2011/10/introducing-service-bus.html. Expert Systems. The enterprise is typically composed of expert systems that perform core business functions and perform them well. A retail system consists of points…
今天打算写写关于 IM 去中心化涉及的架构模型变化和设计思路,去中心化的概念就是说用户的访问不是集中在一个数据中心,这里的去中心是针对数据中心而言的. 站在这个角度而言,实际上并非所有的业务都能做去中心化设计,对于一致性要求越高的业务去中心化越难做.比如电商领域的库存就是一个对一致性要求很高的业务,不能超卖也不能少卖,这在单中心容易实现,但多中心纯从技术层面感觉无解,可能需要从业务和技术层面一起去做个折衷. 反过来看 IM 的业务场景是非常适合做去中心化设计的,因为其业务场景都是弱一致性需求.打…
原文地址:http://www.infoq.com/cn/articles/Kubernetes-system-architecture-introduction?utm_campaign=infoq_content&utm_source=infoq&utm_medium=feed&utm_term=global 1. 前言 Together we will ensure that Kubernetes is a strong and open container manageme…
Stack Overflow网址:http://stackoverflow.com/ 当前访问量:每月9500PV(每天300多万PV) 当前Alexa排名:149 所用.NET技术:C#.Visual Studio 2010 Team Suite.ASP.NET 4.ASP.NET MVC 3.Razor.LINQ to SQL+raw SQL 下面是英文原文: A lot has happened since my first article on the Stack Overflow Ar…
This tutorial showed how to do basic stream processing on top of Storm. There's lots more things you can do with Storm's primitives. One of the most interesting applications of Storm is Distributed RPC, where you parallelize the computation of intens…