RC 2nd Order Passive Low Pass Filter The cut-off frequency of second order low pass filter is given as Second order low pass filter -3dB frequency is given as where ƒc is the calculated cut-off frequency, n is the filter order and ƒ-3dB is the new -3…
note: Some articles are very good in http://www.electronics-tutorials.ws/,I share them in the Cnblog so that Chinese hardware engineers can enjoy and learn. ComeFrom:http://www.electronics-tutorials.ws/filter/filter_4.html The cut-off frequency or…
[TI博客大赛][原创]LM3S811之基于PWM的DAC http://bbs.ednchina.com/BLOG_ARTICLE_3005301.HTM http://www.fpga4fun.com/PWM_DAC_3.html One-bit DAC Take one pin of an FPGA, connect a speaker and listen to an MP3? Easy. Here, we'll use a PC to decode an MP3, and then s…
2nd order RC Low-pass Filter Center frequency fc = 23405.13869[Hz] Q factor Q = 0.333333333333 Sallen–Key topology http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sallen%E2%80%93Key_topology A low-pass filter, which is implemented with a Sallen–Key…
This 125 kHz RFID reader http://www.serasidis.gr/circuits/RFID_reader/125kHz_RFID_reader.htm http://www.serasidis.gr/circuits/RFID_reader/images/125kHz_RFID_reader_schem.GIF I will try to explain with simple words how the RFID works. The ATtiny13 use…
http://www.microchip.com/stellent/idcplg?IdcService=SS_GET_PAGE&nodeId=1824&appnote=en011794 In many applications, a DC/DC Converter is used to produce a regulated voltage or current, derived from an unregulated power supply, or from a battery. Ex…