Do you need to use JUnit in your testing processes? To answer this question, let's take a look first at unit testing. Unit testing is the lowest resolution of testing in the software testing lifecycle. When you run unit tests, you need to take the sm…
为什么进行单元测试? 1. 重用测试, 应付将来实现的变化. 2. 明确指定我的东西是没问题的. Failure, error的区别? Failure只测试失败, Error指程序本身出错 1. new ->java project: JUnit4 2. src右键->new->class T, package: com.bjsxt.junit4 package com.bjsxt.junit4; public class T { public int add(int x, int y)…
引用地址: examples: Overview This document explains how to write unit tests for your map reduce code, and testing your mapper and reducer logic on your desktop without having any Hadoop environment setup. Let's…
examples: Overview This document explains how to write unit tests for your map reduce code, and testing your mapper and reducer logic on your desktop without having any Hadoop environment setup. Let's look at some code For testing your map and reduce…