//其实题目中f[n]的值可理解为存在多少个整数对使a*b<=n #include<cstdio> #define N 1007 #define maxn 1000005 using namespace std; int f[maxn]; void Procede(int n)//预处理 { ;i<maxn;i++){ for(int j=i;j<maxn;j+=i){ f[j]++; } } //此时f[n]理解为表示n的约数的个数,亦可以理解为表示存在多少对整数对(a,b…
P2071 -- A Simple Math Problem IX 时间限制:1000MS      内存限制:262144KB 状态:Accepted      标签:    数学问题-博弈论   无   无 Description 给定a,b,n,保证a≥2,b≥1,a^b≤n.两个人在玩游戏,每个人每次可以把a加1,或者把b加1,但是不能违反a^b<=n,无法再进行操作的人就输掉了这一场游戏. 假设两个人都足够聪明,按照最优策略进行游戏,问先手是否有必胜策略. Input Format 第…
A Simple Math Problem Time Limit: 3000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others)Total Submission(s): 2441    Accepted Submission(s): 1415 Problem Description Lele now is thinking about a simple function f(x). If x < 10 f(x) =…
A Simple Math Problem Time Limit: 3000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others)Total Submission(s): 4331    Accepted Submission(s): 2603 Problem Description Lele now is thinking about a simple function f(x).If x < 10 f(x) =…
A Simple Math Problem Time Limit: 3000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others)Total Submission(s): 2791    Accepted Submission(s): 1659 Problem Description Lele now is thinking about a simple function f(x). If x < 10 f(x) =…
A Simple Math Problem Time Limit: 3000/1000 MS (Java/Others) Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others) Total Submission(s): 155 Accepted Submission(s): 110   Problem Description Lele now is thinking about a simple function f(x). If x < 10 f(x) = x.If…
题目 A Simple Math Problem 解析 矩阵快速幂模板题 构造矩阵 \[\begin{bmatrix}a_0&a_1&a_2&a_3&a_4&a_5&a_6&a_7&a_8&a_9\\ 1&0&0&0&0&0&0&0&0&0\\ 0&1&0&0&0&0&0&0&0&0\\ 0&…
A Simple Math Problem [题目链接]A Simple Math Problem [题目类型]矩阵快速幂 &题解: 这是一个模板题,也算是入门了吧. 推荐一个博客:点这里 跟着这个刷,应该就可以了 &代码: #include <cstdio> #include <iostream> #include <set> #include <cmath> #include <cstring> #include <al…
A Simple Math Problem Time Limit: 3000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others)Total Submission(s): 1697    Accepted Submission(s): 959 Problem Description Lele now is thinking about a simple function f(x). If x < 10 f(x) =…
A Simple Math Problem Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 65536/65536 K (Java/Others)Total Submission(s): 1645    Accepted Submission(s): 468 Problem Description Given two positive integers a and b,find suitable X and Y to meet th…
任意门:http://acm.hdu.edu.cn/showproblem.php?pid=1757 A Simple Math Problem Time Limit: 3000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others)Total Submission(s): 6621    Accepted Submission(s): 4071 Problem Description Lele now is thin…
A Simple Math Problem 一个矩阵快速幂水题,关键在于如何构造矩阵.做过一些很裸的矩阵快速幂,比如斐波那契的变形,这个题就类似那种构造.比赛的时候手残把矩阵相乘的一个j写成了i,调试了好久才发现.改过来1A. 贴个AC的代码: const int N=1e5+10; ll k,m,s[10]; struct mat { ll a[10][10]; }; mat mat_mul(mat A,mat B) { mat res; memset(res.a,0,sizeof(res.a…
A Simple Math Problem Lele now is thinking about a simple function f(x).If x < 10 f(x) = x.If x >= 10 f(x) = a0 * f(x-1) + a1 * f(x-2) + a2 * f(x-3) + -- + a9 * f(x-10);And ai(0<=i<=9) can only be 0 or 1 .Now, I will give a0 ~ a9 and two posit…
Problem Description Lele now is thinking about a simple function f(x).If x < 10 f(x) = x.If x >= 10 f(x) = a0 * f(x-1) + a1 * f(x-2) + a2 * f(x-3) + -- + a9 * f(x-10);And ai(0<=i<=9) can only be 0 or 1 .Now, I will give a0 ~ a9 and two positiv…
题 Description Lele now is thinking about a simple function f(x). If x < 10 f(x) = x. If x >= 10 f(x) = a0 * f(x-1) + a1 * f(x-2) + a2 * f(x-3) + …… + a9 * f(x-10); And ai(0<=i<=9) can only be 0 or 1 . Now, I will give a0 ~ a9 and two positive…
Problem Description Lele now is thinking about a simple function f(x). If x < f(x) = x. If x >= f(x) = a0 * f(x-) + a1 * f(x-) + a2 * f(x-) + …… + a9 * f(x-); And ai(<=i<=) can only be or . Now, I will give a0 ~ a9 and two positive integers k…
Problem Description Lele now is thinking about a simple function f(x).If x < 10 f(x) = x.If x >= 10 f(x) = a0 * f(x-1) + a1 * f(x-2) + a2 * f(x-3) + -- + a9 * f(x-10);And ai(0<=i<=9) can only be 0 or 1 .Now, I will give a0 ~ a9 and two positiv…
http://acm.hdu.edu.cn/showproblem.php?pid=1757 Problem Description Lele now is thinking about a simple function f(x).If x < 10  f(x) = x.If x >= 10  f(x) = a0 * f(x-1) + a1 * f(x-2) + a2 * f(x-3) + …… + a9 * f(x-10);And ai(0<=i<=9) can only be…
Lele now is thinking about a simple function f(x).  If x < 10 f(x) = x.  If x >= 10 f(x) = a0 * f(x-1) + a1 * f(x-2) + a2 * f(x-3) + -- + a9 * f(x-10);  And ai(0<=i<=9) can only be 0 or 1 .  Now, I will give a0 ~ a9 and two positive integers k…
Lele now is thinking about a simple function f(x).  If x < 10 f(x) = x.  If x >= 10 f(x) = a0 * f(x-1) + a1 * f(x-2) + a2 * f(x-3) + -- + a9 * f(x-10);  And ai(0<=i<=9) can only be 0 or 1 .  Now, I will give a0 ~ a9 and two positive integers k…
Description Lele now is thinking about a simple function f(x). If x < 10 f(x) = x. If x >= 10 f(x) = a0 * f(x-1) + a1 * f(x-2) + a2 * f(x-3) + …… + a9 * f(x-10); And ai(0<=i<=9) can only be 0 or 1 . Now, I will give a0 ~ a9 and two positive in…
题目地址:HDU 1757 最终会构造矩阵了.事实上也不难,仅仅怪自己笨..= =! f(x) = a0 * f(x-1) + a1 * f(x-2) + a2 * f(x-3) + -- + a9 * f(x-10) 构造的矩阵是:(我代码中构造的矩阵跟这个正好是上下颠倒过来了) |0 1 0 ......... 0|    |f0|   |f1 | |0 0 1 0 ...... 0|    |f1|   |f2 | |...................1| *  |..| = |...…
Problem Description Given two positive integers a and b,find suitable X and Y to meet the conditions:                                                        X+Y=a                                              Least Common Multiple (X, Y) =b   InputInp…
题目链接 题意 现有\[x+y=a\\lcm(x,y)=b\]找出满足条件的正整数\(x,y\). \(a\leq 2e5,b\leq 1e9,数据组数12W\). 思路 结论 \(gcd(x,y)=gcd((x+y),lcm(x,y))\) 证明 先证\(gcd(x,y)|gcd((x+y),lcm(x,y))\) 不妨设\(gcd(x,y)=k\),则有\(k\mid x,k\mid y\),则有\(k\mid (x+y)\) -① 又\(k\mid x,x\mid lcm(x,y)\),所…
Problem Description Given two positive integers a and b,find suitable X and Y to meet the conditions: X+Y=a Least Common Multiple (X, Y) =b   Input Input includes multiple sets of test data.Each test data occupies one line,including two positive inte…
题目 也是和LightOJ 1096 和LightOJ 1065 差不多的简单题目. #include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> #include<algorithm> using namespace std; int num,mod; struct matrix { ][]; }; matrix multiply(matrix x,matrix y)//矩阵乘法 { matrix temp; ;i<num;i++) { ;j<…
题目链接 题意 :给你m和k, 让你求f(k)%m.如果k<10,f(k) = k,否则 f(k) = a0 * f(k-1) + a1 * f(k-2) + a2 * f(k-3) + …… + a9 * f(k-10);思路 :先具体介绍一下矩阵快速幂吧,刚好刚刚整理了网上的资料.可以先了解一下这个是干嘛的,怎么用. 这个怎么弄出来的我就不说了,直接看链接吧,这实在不是我强项,点这儿,这儿也行 //HDU 1757 #include <iostream> #include <s…
If x < 10 f(x) = x.If x >= 10 f(x) = a0 * f(x-1) + a1 * f(x-2) + a2 * f(x-3) + …… + a9 * f(x-10);And ai(0<=i<=9) can only be 0 or 1 . Sample Input 10 9999 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 20 500 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0   Sample Output 45 104 #include <iostr…
题意:当x < 10时, f(x) = x: 当x >= 10 时,f(x) = a0 * f(x-1) + a1 * f(x-2) +  + a2 * f(x-3) + …… + a9 * f(x-10): ai(0<=i<=9) 只能是0或者1 ,给出a0 ~ a9,k和m,计算f(k)%m(k<2*10^9 , m < 10^5). 题目链接:http://acm.hdu.edu.cn/showproblem.php?pid=1757 ——>>构造矩阵…
题意:一种彩票共同拥有 N 个号码,每注包括 M 个号码,假设开出来的 M 个号码中与自己买的注有 R 个以上的同样号码,则中二等奖,问要保证中二等奖至少要买多少注(1<=R<=M<=N<=8). 题目链接:http://acm.hdu.edu.cn/showproblem.php?pid=4979 -->>覆盖问题,yy可知是可反复覆盖问题,于是,DLX 上场.. N个 选 R 个,共同拥有 C[N][R] 种选法,每种选法须要被覆盖,相应于 DLX 中的列.. N个…