越狱Season 1-Episode 2: Allen】的更多相关文章

Season 1, Episode 2: Allen [Previously, on Prison Break] previously: 以前(预先) 前情回顾 -Judge: I find it incumbent that you see the inside of a prison cell incumbent: 必须履行的:有义务的 我必须判你牢狱之刑 Mr. Scofield. Scofield先生 -Fernando: Why do you want to see Burrows s…
Season 1, Episode 3: Cell Test -CO: Oh, my God. 我的天 Williamson, get in here. Williamson 快进来 What the hell happened here? hell: 地狱 这里怎么回事? -John: An accident accident: 意外,事故. 一点小意外 -CO: Here... gotta get him to the infirmary. Come on. gotta=have got t…
Season 1, Episode 22: Flight -Franklin: You know you got a couple of foxes in your henhouse, right? fox: 狐狸 henhouse: 鸡舍 你的队伍里都是一群狐狸 -Michael: They both want out of here. both: 两者都 他们都想出去 They'll behave until then. behave: 举止端正 出去前都会安分的 -Franklin: Lo…
Season 1, Episode 21: Go -Michael: I need you to let me get us out of here. 我需要你帮我出去 -Patoshik: If you try to screw me over again, I'll kill you screw: [俚语]诈骗  again: 再一次 你再戏弄我,我就杀了你 -doctor: Because if crazy steps out of line, crazy: 疯狂的 step: 措施,举措…
Season 1, Episode 20: Tonight -Pope: I want him under 24hour surveillance. surveillance: 监视 保证24小时监视住他 -Sarah: I have to be there when they kill this man. kill: 杀掉 他们行刑的时候我必须在那里 The least you could do is review his case. least: 最少 review: 检阅 case: 情形…
Season 1, Episode 19: The Key -Kellerman: WeusedtohaveaGreatDane, Dane: 丹麦大狗 我们以前有一只大丹犬 bigandwild. wild: 野蛮的 又大又凶 Whenshewas12,shegotcancer,sowe cancer: 癌症 她12岁时得了癌症 hadtoputherdown. 我们不得不了结了她 Andyoucouldthinkitwouldbe 你以为那场面 hisbig,dramaticevent,bu…
Season 1, Episode 17: J-Cat -Pope: Hey, that's looking good. 嗨,看起来真棒 You're making some real progress. real: 真正的   progress: 进展 你大有进展啊 -Michael: The plaster adds a lot of weight. I may have to add reinforcements. plaster: 石膏 add: 增加 weight: 重量  reinf…
Season 1, Episode 15: By the Skin and the Teeth -Pope: doctor...you can leave. 医生你得离开 -Burrows: It's him. 他? Mi... Michael... 哦 Michael -Veronica: What's he saying? 是他 -Burrows: Michael... turn around... Michael 转过身去 it's him. Michael... -Veronica: W…
Season 1, Episode 8: The Old Head -Michael: 17 days from now they strap my brother to an electric chair... strap: 用绳索捆扎 electric: 电的 17天后他要送我哥哥上电椅 send 50,000 bolts coursing through his body for a crime he didn't commit. send: 投,掷:击出 course: 越过,穿过 bo…
Season 1, Episode 6: Riots, Drills and the Devil: Part 1 - Diamond: Just a few more rides. 就再多玩几次吧 Oh, great! Great! 噢太棒了! Then you have to wrap it up. wrap: 包,裹 玩好了就该走了 -Kellerman: Oh, Adam's getting bigger, huh? 噢 Adam看上去长大了点 Ten. Hmm 十岁嗯? - Diamon…