Lock Objects Synchronized code relies on a simple kind of reentrant lock. This kind of lock is easy to use, but has many limitations. More sophisticated locking idioms are supported by the java.util.concurrent.locks package. We won't examine this pac…
JAVA之旅(十八)--基本数据类型的对象包装类,集合框架,数据结构,Collection,ArrayList,迭代器Iterator,List的使用 JAVA把完事万物都定义为对象,而我们想使用数据类型也是可以引用的 一.基本数据类型的对象包装类 左为基本数据类型,又为引用数据类型 byte Byte int Integer long Long boolean Booleab float Float double Double char Character 我们拿Integer来举例子 //整…
java并发之固定对象与实例 Immutable Objects An object is considered immutable if its state cannot change after it is constructed. Maximum reliance on immutable objects is widely accepted as a sound strategy for creating simple, reliable code. Immutable objects…
说明:本文大部分内容来自<并发编程的艺术>,再加上自己网络整理和理解 以下内容来自<java并发编程的艺术>作者:方鹏飞 魏鹏 程晓明 在多线程并发编程中synchronized一直是元老级角色,很多人都会称呼它为重量级锁.但是,随着Java SE 1.6对synchronized进行了各种优化之后,有些情况下它就并不那么重了. 锁的升级与对比 Java SE 1.6为了减少获得锁和释放锁带来的性能消耗,引入了“偏向锁”和“轻量级锁”,在Java SE 1.6中,锁一共有4种状态,…
Immutable Objects An object is considered immutable if its state cannot change after it is constructed. Maximum reliance on immutable objects is widely accepted as a sound strategy for creating simple, reliable code. Immutable objects are particularl…