{foreach},{foreachelse} 用于像访问序数数组一样访问关联数组 {foreach},{foreachelse} {foreach} is used to loop over an associative array as well a numerically-indexed array, unlike {section} which is for looping over numerically-indexed arrays only. The syntax for {for…
<?php$search_condition = "where name like '$foo%' ";$sql = 'select contact_id, name, nick from contacts '.$search_condition.' order by name';$smarty->assign('results', $db->getAssoc($sql) );?> The template which display "None fo…
{foreach},{foreachelse} 用于像访问序数数组一样访问关联数组 {foreach},{foreachelse} {foreach} is used to loop over an associative array as well a numerically-indexed array, unlike {section} which is for looping over numerically-indexed arrays only. The syntax for {for…