1.修改默认添加用户权限为User,而非Powers User: 在/portal-master/portal-impl/src/portal.properties文件中有如下配置: # # Input a list of default role names separated by \n characters that are # associated with newly created users. # admin.default.role.names=Power User\nUser…
为了让用户信息更贴近实际需求,修改如下信息: 1.让登录名可以使用数字.“.”.“_”等 在/portal-master/portal-impl/src/portal.properties文件中,有如下配置: # # Set this to true when you want the validation to allow for creation of # numeric screen names. # users.screen.name.allow.numeric=false # # In…
1.关闭自动登录功能: 在/portal-master/portal-impl/src/portal.properties文件中,有如下配置: # # Set this to true to allow users to select the "remember me" feature to # automatically login to the portal. # company.security.auto.login=true 修改为: # # Set this to true…
一.导入源码 源码可以从Liferay的官方网站上下载.http://www.liferay.com/downloads/liferay-portal/available-releases 下载后解压源码,可以使用Eclipse的File-->Import-->General-->Existing Projects in to Workspace.将解压的源码导入到Eclipse中. 导入源码后,如果是6.2的源码,可能会出现如下的错误:Project 'portal-trunk' is…