请求https链接时报错,奇怪的是pc1正常,pc2异常 Unhandled Exception: System.AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. ( Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) ---> System.IO.IOException: Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the t…
/// <summary> /// 发送POST请求 /// </summary> /// <param name="json"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static string HttpPost(string requestBody) { string responseMsg = ""; try { HttpWebRequest req…
senario 进入sqlcmd使用:out xxx产生的数据文件,因为sqlcmd export to file 默认情况下,中国的乱码.因此,使用-u(unicode)开关 @echo off & setLocal EnableDelayedExpansion :start @SET DB=AdventureWorks2012 sqlcmd -d%DB% -b -iscript.sql -v pa="out.txt" pwd="%cd%" -W -h-1…
参考: filter Problem SyntaxError: unexpected EOF while parsing 遇到该语法错误,一般是由于 括号不匹配 问题. Note 1.filter 用于过滤list,关键在于正确实现一个"筛选"函数. eg.过滤得到偶数: #!/usr/bin/env python3 L = [] # input 10 integers for i in range(10) : L.append(int(input())) # define filte…
2019-05-28 01:53:42.762 [message remind thread-24] ERROR druid.sql.Statement - {conn-10327, stmt-32027} execute error. SELECT 1 FROM DUALcom.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.CommunicationsException: Communications link failure The last packet successfully…
待解决 [Fiddler] ReadResponse() failed: The server did not return a complete response for this request. Server returned 0 bytes. 待解决问题…
关于报错happybase 是使用python连接hbase的一个第三方库,目前基于thrift1 .在使用过程中经常碰到报错 TTransportException(type=4, message='TSocket read 0 bytes') 即使使用thrift server首页上提供了连接Apache HBase Wiki on Thrift里的demo也一样报错. 测试代码import happybasedef get_tables_name(host,port): conn = ha…
1.问题描述: 今天解压tar包遇到这样一个问题 使用命令:tar -zxvf  xxxxx.tar.gz gzip: stdin: unexpected end of filetar: Unexpected EOF in archivetar: Unexpected EOF in archivetar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now 2.问题分析: 通过: md5sum 文件名  命令,比对两台服务器上xxxxx.tar.gz 包的文件校验码不一样…
Pyhive 远程连接hive出现问题: from pyhive import hive import pandas as pd #Create Hive connection conn = hive.Connection(host="", port=10000, username="hadoop", auth="NOSASL", database="log") # Read Hive table an…
由于数据量的增大,调用接口的次数会增加. 当连续向目标网站发送多次request后,目标网站可能会认为是,恶意攻击. 于是会抛出requests异常. 测试代码: for i in range(200): # 连续请求200次 requests.post(p['url'], headers=p['headers'], json=p['body'], verify=False) 在python3.6中,异常为 requests.exceptions.SSLError: HTTPSConnectio…