[问题描述]定义"组合数"S(n,m)代表将 n 个不同的元素拆分成 m 个非空集合的方案数.举个栗子,将{1,2,3}拆分成 2 个集合有({1},{2,3}),({2},{1,3}),({3},{1,2})三种拆分方法.小猫想知道,如果给定 n,m 和 k,对于所有的 0<=i<=n,0<=j<=min(i,m),有多少对(i,j),满足 S(i,j)是 k 的倍数.注意,0 也是 k 的倍数,S(0,0)=1,对于 i>=1,S(i,0)=0.[输入…
[题目] Given a set of candidate numbers (candidates) (without duplicates) and a target number (target), find all unique combinations in candidates where the candidate numbers sums to target. The same repeated number may be chosen from candidates unlimi…