Centos7 PXE Server Install Script】的更多相关文章

#安装前配置好centos和epel yum源 #网卡ip和localip一致 localip="" eth_name='eth0' dnsmasq_install() { yum -y install dnsmasq mv /etc/dnsmasq.conf /etc/dnsmasq.conf.backup prefix_ip=`echo $localip|awk -F\. '{print $1"."$2"."$3}…
# 01-78-2b-cb-69-10-f3 default menu.c32 prompt 0 timeout 50 label CentOS 7 MENU DEFAULT MENU LABEL CentOS 7 [78:2b:cb:69:10:f3] KERNEL centos-7/vmlinuz APPEND initrd=centos-7/initrd.img ip=dhcp BOOTIF=78:2b:cb:69:10:f3 inst.ks=http://install.localhos…
1.安装相关软件 yum -y install tftp-server httpd dhcp syslinux 2.配置DHCP cp /usr/share/doc/dhcp-4.2.5/dhcpd.conf.example /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf egrep -v "^#|^$" /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf option domain-name "contoso.com"; option domain-name-servers ns…
Tiny PXE Server简介Tiny PXE Server是一款小巧而功能强大的网启软件.支持DHCP TFTP HTTP BINL DNS等多个协议,支持grub4dos,pxelinux,ipxe等多个引导器,支持从PXE/gPXE/IPXE启动,最新版居然能够直接从互联网通过http协议启动,实在逆天.Tiny PXE Server下载地址:http://erwan.labalec.fr/tinypxeserver/pxesrv.zip1.启动IPXETiny PXE Server可…
今天在用PXE 安装Openstack Compute节点时,郁闷得发现同一网段中还有一个PXE Server,而我的Compute 启动起来总会先找到它,但那个设置不受我控制,子网也不归我管,那个server肯定也没配置MAC过滤,这我就真没着了. More information for you: Can You Have Multiple PXE Servers on the Same Network? The Pre-boot Execution Environment enables…
#!/bin/bash # Cloudinsight Agent install script. set -e logfile="ci-agent-install.log" gist_request=/tmp/agent-gist-request.tmp gist_response=/tmp/agent-gist-response.tmp if [ $(command -v curl) ]; then cl_cmd="curl -f" else cl_cmd=&qu…
刚刚在网上下了个开源的项目: https://github.com/ing670/webappkiller 执行npm install 报错:npm ERR! Failed at the phantomjs-prebuilt@2.1.14 install script 'node install.js'. 直接在项目根目录执行:npm install phantomjs-prebuilt -save 安装缺少的类库. 再次安装成功!…
一.简介 PXE称作是一种引导方式而不是安装方式似乎更加准确,PXE(Pre-boot Execution Environment)是由Intel设计的协议,它可以使计算机通过网络启动,但是有一个前提条件是计算机的网卡必须具有引导功能,这个网卡中要有一个PXE客户端.当计算机POST自检成功以后,BIOS把网卡中ROM的PXE客户端调入内存执行,PXE客户端通过网络中的DHCP服务器获取一个IP地址,拿到IP地址以后PXE继续引导计算机与网络中的TFTP客户端建立连接,从而从TFTP服务器中获取…
yum install dnsmasq mv /etc/dnsmasq.conf /etc/dnsmasq.conf.backup # vim /etc/dnsmasq.conf interface=eth0,lo #bind-interfaces domain=centos7.lan # DHCP range-leases dhcp-range= eth0,,,,1h # PXE dhcp-boot=pxelinux.,pxes…
要求: create vnc service for win7 access it via vnc viewer. 1TB disk for this Centos PC is used as Samba server, which used to share files. and nsn-intra user could access the folder via their personal win7 pc with map network drive. on this 1TB disk,…