You receive a "The specified file or folder name is too long" error message when you create a new folder or a new document in a document library in SharePoint Portal Server or in Windows SharePoint Services Symptoms You find that there are limit…
Sharepoint Error : The URL "filename" is invalid. It may refer to a nonexistent file or folder, or refer to a valid file or folder that is not in the current Web 中文错误: 一次网站突然出现问题 新建网站会报如下错误: 该 URL“DocLib1/Doc1.doc”无效.它可能指向不存在的文件或文件夹,或者是指向不在当前网站中… On NTFS volumes, you can set security permissions on files and folders. These permissions grant or deny access to the files and folders. You can view security permissions for files and folders by…
经常需要把服务器的某些文件传到 Mac,或者获取 Mac 的一些文件到服务器.尽管有很多命令scp, ftp, rsync都可以,霸特每次都有敲好长的命令,好烦,而且还要输入密码.所以想着 wrap 到 expect 脚本这样密码什么的都不用输入了. 下面这个是放在服务器端的,用于把file/folder 传到 Mac #!/usr/bin/expect #file: _getF.expect # 和 Bash 的变量一样 # 定义时不加$,用的时候加 set host RuiLi@10.157…
In .net 4.5 Framework, we can zip a file by this way: private static string CompressFile(string sourceFileName) { using (ZipArchive archive = ZipFile.Open(Path.ChangeExtension(sourceFileName, ".zip"), ZipArchiveMode.Create)) { archive.CreateEntr…
如题: scripts/extract-cert.c::: fatal error: openssl/bio.h: No such file or directory compilation terminated. scripts/ recipe for target 'scripts/extract-cert' failed ]: *** [scripts/extract-cert] Error Makefile:: recipe for target 'scri…
In a Maven project, we may often struggle to get a certain file (e.g. json file or sql file). Here is how to place the resource file and use it in the java class. 1. If the main class is in folder src/main/java/, the resource file should be placed in…
How to build .apk file from command line Created on Wednesday, 29 June 2011 14:32 If you don’t want to install a number of programs for building your Android project, this article is for you. You will need only JDK, the Android SDK platform tools and…
一.建立的文件夹(对这些文件进行以上四个类的操作): 父目录: 父目录的子目录以及父目录下的文件: 子目录下的文件: 二.效果图 三.代码实现 using System; using System.IO; namespace testio { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { //string Path = @"C:\Users\zhangtao\Desktop\Test"; string fileNAME = &quo…
1.读取文件夹中的文件 /** * 读取图片文件 * @param imgPath 文件所在的文件夹绝对路径 * @return * @throws FileNotFoundException */ public static List<String> readImg(String imgPath)throws FileNotFoundException{ System.out.println("----------------------------读取start---------…