_filefmt=os.path.join("logs","%Y-%m-%d.log") class MyLoggerHandler(logging.Handler): def __init__(self,filefmt=None): self.filefmt=filefmt if filefmt is None: self.filefmt=_filefmt logging.Handler.__init__(self) def emit(self,record):…
<1>. mylogger = logging.getLogger("abc") logging.debug()/logging.info()/logging.warning()/logging.error()等使用的是全局的root logger实例, mylogger是一个新实例,它默认继承root logger的设置. The root of the hierarchy of loggers is called the root logger. That's the…
下边内容是关于python自定义pi函数的内容. def pi(): # Compute digits of Pi. # Algorithm due to LGLT Meertens. k, a, b, a1, b1 = 2, 4, 1, 12, 4 while 1: while d == d1: yield d…