Problem The kitchen at the Infinite House of Pancakes has just received an order for a stack of K pancakes! The chef currently has N pancakes available, where N ≥ K. Each pancake is a cylinder…
Google Code Jam 2010 Round 1C Problem A. Rope Intranet Problem A. Rope Intranet A company is located in two very tall buildings. The company intranet connecting the buildings consists of m…
本题的 Large dataset 本人尚未解决. Problem So you've registered. We sent you a welcoming email, to welcome you to code jam. But it's possible that you still don't feel welcomed to code jam. That's w…
Introduction Cookie Clicker is a Javascript game by Orteil, where players click on a picture of a giant cookie. Clicking on the giant cookie gives them cookies. They can spend those cookies to buy buildings. Those buildings help them get even more co… Problem Now that you have won Code Jam and been hired by Google as a software engineer, you have been assigned to work on their wildly popular programming contest website. Google is ex…
This problem is the hardest problem to understand in this round. If you are new to Code Jam, you should probably try to solve the other problems first. Problem Naomi and Ken sometimes play games together. Before they play, each of them gets Nidentica…
Problem B. Infinite House of Pancakes Problem's Link: Mean: 有无限多个盘子,其中有n个盘子里面放有饼,每分钟你可以选择两种操作中的一种: 1.n个盘子里面的饼同时减少1: 2.选择一个盘子里面的饼,分到其他盘子里面去: 目标是让盘子里的饼在最少的分钟数内吃完,问最少的分钟数. analyse: 可以分析出,先…
Problem A. Standing Ovation Problem's Link: Mean: 题目说的是有许多观众,每个观众有一定的羞涩值,只有现场站起来鼓掌的人数达到该值才会站起来鼓掌,问最少添加多少羞涩值任意的人,才能使所有人都站起来鼓掌. analyse: 贪心模拟一下,从前往后扫一遍就行. Time complexity: O(n) Source cod…     Problem In the exciting game of Join-K, red and blue pieces are dropped into an N-by-N table. The table stands up vertically so that pieces drop down to the bottom-most empty slots in…   Problem A flock of chickens are running east along a straight, narrow road. Each one is running with its own constant speed. Whenever a chick catches up to the one in front of it, it has…