It appears that some people interpreted the title of one of my rants from many months ago, "Cleaner, more elegant, and wrong", to be a reference to exceptions in general. (See bibliography reference [35]; observe that the citer even changed the…
Cleaner, more elegant, and harder to recognize 更整洁,更优雅,但更难识别 看来,有些人把我几个月前一篇文章的标题"Cleaner,more elegant,and wrong"解释成了对异常通用处理的引用.(参见参考文献[35],注意到电文甚至为我改变了文章的标题) 该文章的标题是对我从一本书中复制的特定代码段的引用,该书的作者声称他提供的代码"更整洁,更优雅".我指出 ,代码片段不仅更更整洁,更优雅,也是错误的. 你…
Cleaner, more elegant, and wrong Just because you can't see the error path doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Here's a snippet from a book on C# programming, taken from the chapter on how great exceptions are. try { AccessDatabase accessDb = new AccessDa…
Cleaner,more elegant,and wrong 整洁,更优雅,但是错的 并不是因为你看不到错误的产生路径就意味着它不存在. 下面是C#编程书中的一个片段,摘自关于异常处理的章节. try { AccessDatabase accessDb = new AccessDatabase(); accessDb.GenerateDatabase(); } catch (Exception e) { // Inspect caught exception } public void Gene…
作者 | 杨成立(忘篱) 阿里巴巴高级技术专家 Go 开发关键技术指南文章目录: 为什么你要选择 Go? Go 面向失败编程 带着服务器编程金刚经走进 2020 年 敢问路在何方? Go 开发指南大图 Engineering 我觉得 Go 在工程上良好的支持,是 Go 能够在服务器领域有一席之地的重要原因.这里说的工程友好包括: gofmt 保证代码的基本一致,增加可读性,避免在争论不清楚的地方争论: 原生支持的 profiling,为性能调优和死锁问题提供了强大的工具支持: utest 和 c…
作者 | 杨成立(忘篱) 阿里巴巴高级技术专家 关注"阿里巴巴云原生"公众号,回复 Go 即可查看清晰知识大图! 导读:从问题本身出发,不局限于 Go 语言,探讨服务器中常常遇到的问题,最后回到 Go 如何解决这些问题,为大家提供 Go 开发的关键技术指南.我们将以系列文章的形式推出<Go 开发的关键技术指南>,共有 4 篇文章,本文为第 2 篇. Could Not Recover 在 C/C++ 中, 最苦恼的莫过于上线后发现有野指针或内存越界,导致不可能崩溃的地方崩溃…
One of the extensibility points we have in Team Foundation V1 is that you can configure any other diff and merge tools you want.  The purpose of this article is to start collecting the most common ones we know or heard about in a central place so peo… C#Development 13 Things Every C# Developer Should Know Written by Jon JarboeSenior Technical Manager, Coverity Gives 13 useful tips and references for using C#, a simple, modern, general purpose, object-oriented, mul…
Performance Considerations for Entity Framework 5 By David Obando, Eric Dettinger and others Published: April 2012 1. Introduction Object-Relational Mapping frameworks are a convenient way to provide an abstraction for data access in an object-orient…
转自: 原始地址: This page has detailed information on building Chromium on Windows, including tips for troubleshooting and for s…