
No matching provisioning profiles found. No matching code signing identity found. Your account already has a valid iOS Distribution certificate. 由于苹果只允许它授权过的 App 才能运行在 iPhone 等设备上,所以当开发者想用真机测试 App 的时候需要做一些配置才可以,但是如果没搞清楚就会出现很多上面这些烦人的错误,导致不能成功地在手机调试 Ap…
Refer to http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/SSL-Certificates-HOWTO/x64.html The content 1.2. What is SSL and what are Certificates? The Secure Socket Layer protocol was created by Netscape to ensure secure transactions between web servers and browsers. The pr…
Code signing your app lets users trust that your app has been created by a source known to Apple and that it hasn’t been tampered with. All apps must be code signed and provisioned to launch on a device, to use certain services, to be distributed for…
1. 鑰匙圈存取 -> 憑證輔助程式 -> 從憑證授權要求憑證 email:xxx@xxxx 得到 Blia_20140129.certSigningReques 2.進入開發帳號 憑證 添加Certificates中的 Development Production. 3.download the Certificates double click to insert into local 4. 到 Provisioning Profiles頁面, 找到之前舊的profile應該狀態是 Inv…
1.open Run command. 2.enter 'mmc' . 3.Click File, and Add or Remove Snap-in. 4.Select Certificates, and then Select My user account / Computer account. 5.import certificates into PC/Current User…
Our Development setups won't have valid or trusted certificates. When do you want test our webserver code over HTTPS, we need to handle these certificates with special code. The common approach is to import these HTTPS certificates into JDK cacerts o…
最近离职了,刚好在离职之际有人叫我帮做个项目,简直了,没有mac电脑,没有真ji设备,简直了.接项目那哥们,暂且叫做J,大哥说我给你想办法,then,给借了个mac pro.刚拿到电脑真是喜出望外啊,以为可以装逼了,最后打开电脑一看,尼玛,真心有点老了,08年的设备,装的10.7.5,多开几个谷歌页面电脑风扇转得抖快飞起来了.没办法,硬着头皮上.百度下,10.7.5装什么版本得xcode合适,本来幻想着装个5的,但是后来发现想多了,然后装了个4.6.装4.6也是颇多波折,开始下了个4.5得,安装…
I was trying to post to a webservice and was getting the 60 error code: Peer certificate cannot be authenticated with known CA certificates. . The webservice I was trying to reach was over https. The solution is very simple. You need to set curl not…
Table of contents Introduction and goal Beginner WCF FAQs Step 1: Create client and server certificates Step 2: Copy the certificates in trusted people certificates Step 3: Specify the certification path and mode in the WCF service web.config file St…
Certificates, Identifiers &Profiles 简介 每次到这个页面,我都不知道这几个选项是干啥的,我相信有很多同学跟我一样,所以首先我们就来先介绍下Developer的这几个选项 Certificates Certificate就是证书,是用于把一台Mac电脑标志为开发者电脑所必须的证明 开发证书Development Certificate,用于授权开发权限 发布证书Distribution Certificate,用于授权发布权限 每台Mac需要导出本地证书才能生成…
原文地址:http://serversforhackers.com/editions/2014/07/29/haproxy-ssl-termation-pass-through/ Overview If your application makes use of SSL certificates, then some decisions need to be made about how to use them with a load balancer. A simple setup of on…
错误信息: 12-26 11:08:44.809 1501-1535/system_process E/PackageInstaller: Commit of session 201020547 failed: Failed to collect certificates from /data/app/vmdl201020547.tmp/base.apk: META-INF/CERT.SF indicates /data/app/vmdl201020547.tmp/base.apk is sig…
今天在开发时遇到一个新问题:Certificates does not conform to algorithm constraints,在此记录一下解决方案. 问题详情: [ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project thinkive-trade-bus: Could not resolve dependencies for project thinkive.invest:thinkive-trade-bus:jar:2.7.1: Failed to co…
报错信息 javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: java.security.cert.CertificateException: Certificates does not conform to algorithm constraints 原因: JDK7/8后添加了安全机制,导致这个问题出现 解决方案: 方案一: 把$JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security/java.security 文件里的jdk.certpath.disabledAlgor…
使用git push -u origin master 命令向远程仓库提交代码时报错:Peer certificate cannot be authenticated with known CA certificates 这个报错的字面意思是对端的CA证书不能被指明的CA证书认证. 因为git 操作远程仓库的时候 使用的是curl命令,所以curl命令同样报错. curl 命令可以使用 -k参数关闭掉证书验证,那么git 如何设置来关闭证书验证呢? 解决方法: git config --glob…
本文涉及的相关问题,如果你的问题或需求有与下面所述相似之处,请阅读本文 ssl certificate 什么是ssl certificates? SSL Certificates 是一种使用数字加密技术对发布者信息细节进行加密后的文件.当这个文件安装在部署了web 服务的环境上,便会激活挂锁和https协议,并允许从Web服务器到浏览器之间的安全连接. 通常,SSL用于保护信用卡交易,数据传输和登录,并且正在成为保护社交媒体网站浏览的标准. SSL Certificates会将以下内容绑定到一起…
程序运行时报错:signtool error:no certificates were found that met all the given criteria (汉译:符号工具错误:没有找到符合所有给定标准的证书) 解决方案:打开项目->属性->签名,去掉为 ClickOnce 清单签名即可.…
Different Platforms & Devices requires SSL certificates in different formatseg:- A Windows Server uses .pfx filesAn Apache Server uses .crt, .cer files NOTE: Only way to tell the difference between PEM .cer and DER .cer is to open the file in a Text…
如果是才进入公司进行开发的iOS程序猿来说人难免会对苹果的证书.配置文件,尤其有的需要重头开始的公司来说,最简单的来说真机调试是免不了和这些东西打交道的,有的时候赶时间做完了可能心里也犯嘀咕,本文根据个人经验对Certificates.Identifiers和Profiles做下简单的介绍,不过默认你已有苹果账号,如果你还在学习的路上,将来有一天你也会有的,开始正题吧: 1.登录苹果官网,苹果在WWDC15之后对网站进行了改版,以下是最新的截图: 2.三合一的管理模式: 3.管理iOS Apps…
不必找第三方去申请证书了, Windows Server 自己也可以作为一个CA的. When working on a CRM Test environment there are many scenarios where I need to add SSL to the CRM web site such as testing Claims Authentication. Instead of getting a certificate from a 3rd party certificat…
http://www.littlewhitedog.com/content-71.html https://www.verisign.com/en_US/website-presence/website-optimization/ssl-certificates/index.xhtml 什么是certificate(证书)? 一个certificate是一种担保你的网站完整性和权威性的方式.如果你搭建了一个ssl web网站,你总会希望你的用户能够信任这个网站.你在你的网站上安装一个certif…
What is the whole darned process? Well that’s a good question. For my purposes, this is what I need to know: Create a Private Key. These usually end in the file extension “key” If you already have one, don’t worry - it’s cool, we’ll be using that one…
Configure Trusted Roots and Disallowed Certificates Updated: May 5, 2014 Applies To: Windows 8.1, Windows Server 2012 R2 The Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Server 2012, Windows 8.1, and Windows 8 operating systems include an automatic update mechani…
Visual Studio is primarily designed for installation from an internet-connected machine, since many components are updated regularly. However, with some extra steps, it's possible to deploy Visual Studio in an environment where a working internet con…
When connecting to Subversion repositories using SSL connections the SVN client checks the server certificate if it is not expired, if it’s host description matches the host of the repository and if the authority which signed the certificate is trust…
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and Transport Layer security (TLS ) are protocols that provide secure communications over a computer network or link. They are commonly used in web browsing and email. In this tutorial we will look: TLS and SSL Public and P…
Certificates Certificates 即 ”证书“,约等于通行证,申请证书是我们进行真机调试与发布的第一步.证书主要分为两类:Development证书用来开发和调试应用程序Production主要用来分发应用程序(根据证书种类有不同作用)下面是证书的分类信息:(括号内为证书有效期) Development App Development (1年):用来开发和真机调试应用程序. Push Development (1年):用来调试Apple Push Notification Pr…
做IOS开发的,在需要发布应用的时候,会接触到iOS Dev Center里面的证书制作,按照网上的资料操作,我们可以很容易的制作证书并且完成真机调试或者是产品发布,但是对于Certificates.Devices.Identifiers 和Profiles是什么,可能仍然一知半解.这篇文章就对Certificates.Devices.Identifiers 和Profiles做个介绍. 概念介绍 对于拥有个人开发者账号(99美金/年)或者企业开发者账号(299美金/年)的用户,登录到iOS D…
在真机调试以及发布应用时,要申请证书,我们必须知道Certificates, Identifiers ,Profiles 是什么含义,下面对它们做简单介绍,以及如果申请证书. Certificates Identifiers Profiles 申请证书 iOS 目录[-] Certificates, Identifiers &Profiles 简介 下面来介绍如何申请证书: 第一步:申请本地证书 第二步: 在开发者账号里申请证书 Certificates, Identifiers &Pro…
话不多说,直接上代码. 测试API:   https://api.k780.com/?app=life.time&appkey=10003&sign=b59bc3ef6191eb9f747dd4e83c99f2a4&format=json 代码: import org.apache.http.HttpStatus; import org.apache.http.client.methods.CloseableHttpResponse; import org.apache.http.…