Bad Cowtractors(最大生成树)】的更多相关文章

题目链接: 于是就找了一道最大生成树的AC了一下,注意不连通的情况啊,WA了一次. /* ━━━━━┒ギリギリ♂ eye! ┓┏┓┏┓┃キリキリ♂ mind! ┛┗┛┗┛┃\○/ ┓┏┓┏┓┃ / ┛┗┛┗┛┃ノ) ┓┏┓┏┓┃ ┛┗┛┗┛┃ ┓┏┓┏┓┃ ┛┗┛┗┛┃ ┓┏┓┏┓┃ ┛┗┛┗┛┃ ┓┏┓┏┓┃ ┃┃┃┃┃┃ ┻┻┻┻┻┻ */ #include <algorithm> #include <iostream>…
杭电ACM分类: 1001 整数求和 水题1002 C语言实验题——两个数比较 水题1003 简单题1004 渊子赛马 排序+贪心的方法归并1005 Hero In Maze 广度搜索1006 Redraiment猜想 数论:容斥定理1007 童年生活二三事 递推题1008 University 简单hash1009 目标柏林 简单模拟题1010 Rails 模拟题(堆栈)1011 Box of Bricks 简单题1012 IMMEDIATE DECODABILITY…
转载:from 基础题:1000.1001.1004.1005.1008.1012.1013.1014.1017.1019.1021.1028.1029. 1032.1037.1040.1048.1056.1058.1061.1070.1076.1089.1090.1091.1092.1093. 1094.1095.1096.1097.1098.1106.1108.1157.116…
最短路径: poj1125 - Stockbroker Grapevine(多源最短路径,floyd) poj1502 - MPI Maelstrom(单源最短路径,dijkstra,bellman-ford,spfa) poj1511 - Invitation Cards(单源来回最短路径,spfa邻接表) poj1797 - Heavy Transportation(最大边,最短路变形,dijkstra,spfa,bellman-ford) poj2240 - Arbitrage(汇率问题,…
Bad Cowtractors Bessie has been hired to build a cheap internet network among Farmer John's N (2 <= N <= 1,000) barns that are conveniently numbered 1..N. FJ has already done some surveying, and found M (1 <= M <= 20,000) possible connection r…
这很明显就是最大生成树= = CODE: #include<cstdio>#include<iostream>#include<algorithm>#include<cstring>using namespace std;#define maxn 1010#define maxm 20010struct edges{ int x,y,z;}edge[maxm];bool cmp(edges a,edges b){return (a.z>b.z);}in…
Bad Cowtractors Time Limit : 2000/1000ms (Java/Other)   Memory Limit : 131072/65536K (Java/Other) Total Submission(s) : 1   Accepted Submission(s) : 1 Problem Description Bessie has been hired to build a cheap internet network among Farmer John's N (…
3390: [Usaco2004 Dec]Bad Cowtractors牛的报复 Time Limit: 1 Sec  Memory Limit: 128 MB Description     奶牛贝茜被雇去建设N(2≤N≤1000)个牛棚间的互联网.她已经勘探出M(1≤M≤ 20000)条可建的线路,每条线路连接两个牛棚,而且会苞费C(1≤C≤100000).农夫约翰吝啬得很,他希望建设费用最少甚至他都不想给贝茜工钱. 贝茜得知工钱要告吹,决定报复.她打算选择建一些线路,把所有牛棚连接在一起,…
  Description Bessie has been hired to build a cheap internet network among Farmer John's N (2 <= N <= 1,000) barns that are conveniently numbered 1..N. FJ has already done some surveying, and found M (1 <= M <= 20,000) possible connection rou…
裸的最大生成树,注意判不连通情况 #include<iostream> #include<cstdio> #include<algorithm> using namespace std; const int N=20005; int n,m,f[N],con; long long ans; struct qwe { int u,v,w; }a[N]; bool cmp(const qwe &a,const qwe &b) { return a.w>…