lesson 23 one man's meat is another man's poison delicacy n. 美味:佳肴: delicious adj. 美味的:可口的 关于虚拟语气: If I knew the answer, I would tell you.(if I did sth,I would ...) 在虚拟语气中没有was If he were happy now, he could/should/might/would talk to me. repulsive r…
less 23: 这里通过验证?id=1'# 发现还是报错 观察代码: 这里涉及一个函数mixed preg_replace(mixed $pattern,mixed $replacement,mixed $subject) 此函数执行一个正则表达式的搜索和替换,简单来讲就是搜索 subject中匹配patter部分 以replacement作为替换 比如上面源代码中,就是在用户输入的id里搜索#和-- 并用空格替换 所以我们的注释符要换成;%00 执行:?id=1' ;%00  此时页面回显正…
Text I had a letter from my sister yesterday. She lives in Nigeria. In her letter, she said that she would come to England next year. If she comes, she will get a surprise. We are now living in a beautiful new house in the country. Work on it had beg…
2.5 字符串 --- 字符串是不可变的. >>> str = "Hello world!" >>> str[-6:-1] = "python" Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> TypeError: 'str' object does not support item assig…
Lesson1  A puma at large Pumas are large, cat-like animals which are found in America. When reports came into London Zoo that a wild puma had been spotted forty-five miles south of London, they were not taken seriously. However, as the evidence began…
转自[翻译]NeHe OpenGL 教程 前言 声明,此 NeHe OpenGL教程系列文章由51博客yarin翻译(2010-08-19),本博客为转载并稍加整理与修改.对NeHe的OpenGL管线教程的编写,以及yarn的翻译整理表示感谢. NeHe OpenGL第二十三课:球面映射 球面映射: 这一个将教会你如何把环境纹理包裹在你的3D模型上,让它看起来象反射了周围的场景一样.   球体环境映射是一个创建快速金属反射效果的方法,但它并不像真实世界里那么精确!我们从18课的代码开始来创建这个…
转自http://coolshell.cn/articles/3512.html 在http://www.viva64.com/en/l/上例出了28个在64位平台上使用C/C++开发的注意事项,对于进入64位时代的程序员应该去看看这28个事项, 相信对大家一点有帮助. Lesson 01. What 64-bit systems are. Lesson 02. Support of 32-bit applications. Lesson 03. Porting code to 64-bit s…
React.js 小书 Github 关于作者 这是一本关于 React.js 的小书. 因为工作中一直在使用 React.js,也一直以来想总结一下自己关于 React.js 的一些知识.经验.于是把一些想法慢慢整理书写下来,做成一本开源.免费.专业.简单的入门级别的小书,提供给社区.希望能够帮助到更多 React.js 刚入门朋友. 由于水平有限,编写的过程难免会有诸多错误,也希望大家在看的过程中发现了问题,可以在 Github 上给该项目发 Pull Request.衷心希望可以有更多的人…
Beginning Game Programming v2.0 Last Updated 8/19/18 Greetings everyone, welcome to the ground up recoding of Beginning Game Programming with SDL. This time we will be coding with SDL 2 which has been released on the SDL website. These tutorials were…
 64位平台的介绍 IA-64 is a 64-bit microprocessor architecture developed by Intel and Hewlett Packard companies together. It is implemented in Itanium and Itanium 2 microprocessors. To learn more about the architecture IA-64 see the following Wikipedia arti…