Link of the Paper: Innovations: The authors propose the Novel Visual Concept learning from Sentences ( NVCS ) task. In this task, methods need to learn novel concepts from sentence descriptions of a few images. Th…
开篇第一篇就写一个paper reading吧,用markdown+vim写东西切换中英文挺麻烦的,有些就偷懒都用英文写了. Stereo DSO: Large-Scale Direct Sparse Visual Odometry with Stereo Cameras Abstract Optimization objectives: intrinsic/extrinsic parameters of all keyframes all selected pixels' depth Inte…
Link of the Paper: Main Points: The authors propose a multimodal Recurrent Neural Networks ( AlexNet/VGGNet + a multimodal layer + RNNs ). Their work has two major differences from these methods. Firstly, they inco…
Targeted learning methods build machine-learning-based estimators of parameters defined as features of the probability distribution of the data, while also providing influence-curve or bootstrap-based confidence internals. The theory offers a general…
原文地址: --------------------- 作者:lnn_csdn 来源:CSDN -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 花了一周多的时间读了一篇论文<Human-level concept learning through probabilistic p…
Learning Conditioned Graph Structures for Interpretable Visual Question Answering 2019-05-29 00:29:43 Paper: Code:…
Learning Multi-Domain Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Tracking CVPR 2016 本文提出了一种新的CNN 框架来处理跟踪问题.众所周知,CNN在很多视觉领域都是如鱼得水,唯独目标跟踪显得有点“慢热”,这主要是因为CNN的训练需要海量数据,纵然是在ImageNet 数据集上微调后的model 仍然不足以很好的表达要跟踪地物体,因为Tracking问题的特殊性,至于怎么特殊的,且听细细道来. 目标跟踪之所以很少被 C…
Deep Learning论文笔记之(八)Deep Learning最新综述 自己平时看了一些论文,但老感觉看完过后就会慢慢的淡忘,某一天重新拾起来的时候又好像没有看过一样.所以想习惯地把一些感觉有用的论文中的知识点总结整理一下,一方面在整理过程中,自己的理解也会更深,另一方面也方便未来自己的勘察.更好的还可以放到博客上面与大家交流.因为基础有限,所以对论文的一些理解可能不太正确,还望大家不吝指正交流,谢谢.…
动人的DL我们有六个月的时间,积累了一定的经验,实验,也DL有了一些自己的想法和理解.曾经想扩大和加深DL相关方面的一些知识. 然后看到了一个MIT按有关的对出版物DL图书,所以就有了读一下这本书然后做点笔记攒点知识量的念头.这一系列的博客将是笔记型的,有什么写的不好之处还望广大博友见谅,也欢迎各位同行能指点一二. 这是本书的第一章,下面是个人感觉蛮重要的一些点: logistic regression ca…
Unsupervised Visual Representation Learning by Context Prediction Note here: it's a learning note on unsupervised learning model from Prof. Gupta's group. Link:…