Naming Conventions for .NET / C# Projects】的更多相关文章 Naming Conventions for .NET / C# Projects Martin Zahn, Akadia AG, 20.03.2003 The original of this document was developed by the Microsoft special interest group. We made some addons. This documen…
Typographical naming conventions Identifier Type Type Examples Package, org.joda.time.format Class or Interface Timer, FutureTask, LinkedHashMap, HttpServlet Method or Field remove, ensureCapacity, getCrc Constant Field MIN_VALUE, N…
Reference document Coding Conventions Layout Conventions Use the default Code Editor settings (smart indenting, four-character ind…
依赖管理(Dependency Management)和命名规范(Naming Conventions) 依赖管理和依赖注入(dependency injection)是有区别的.为了将Spring的优秀特性(如依赖注入)带到你的应用中,需要在编译时或运行时部署所需要的库(jar包).这些依赖不是虚拟的构件,而是文件系统上的物理资源.依赖管理的过程涉及到定位这些资源.存储资源.加入classpath.依赖可以是直接的(例如Spring运行时),也可以是间接的(例如commons-dbcp).间接…
1. Capitalizing Constructors var adam = new Person(); 2. Separating Words camel case - type the words in lowercase, only capitalizing the first letter in each word. upper camel case, as in  MyConstructor(), lower  camel  case,  as  in  myFunction(),…
1.package name 全部小写字母,中间可以由点分隔开,作为命名空间,包名应该具有唯一性,推荐采用公司或组织域名的倒置,如 2.module name 全部小写字母,如果是多个单词构成,可以用下划线隔开,如dummy_threading. 3.class name 采用大驼峰法命名,如SplitViewController 4.var name 全部小写字母,如果由多个单词构成,可以用下划线隔开.如果变量应用于模块或函数内部,则变量名可以用单下…
Java语言编码规范(Java Code Conventions) 名称 Java语言编码规范(Java Code Conventions) 译者 晨光(Morning) 简介 本文档讲述了Java语言的编码规范,较之陈世忠先生<c++编码规范>的浩繁详尽,此文当属短小精悍了.而其中所列之各项条款,从编码风格,到注意事项,不单只Java,对于其他语言,也都很有借鉴意义.因为简短,所以易记,大家不妨将此作为handbook,常备案头,逐一对验. 声明 如需复制.传播,请附上本声明,谢谢.原文出处…
C# Coding Conventions C#编码规范 Naming Conventions 命名规范Layout Conventions 布局规范Commenting Conventions 注释规范Language Guidelines 语言准则 String Data Type String数据类型Implicitly Typed Local Variables 隐式类型的局部变量Unsigned Data Type 无符号类型Arrays 数组Delegates 委托try-catch…
怎样用通俗的语言解释什么叫 REST,以及什么是 RESTful? - 知乎 大家都知道"古代"网页是前端后端融在一起的,比如之前的PHP,JSP等.在之前的桌面时代问题不大,但是近年来移动互联网的发展,各种类型的Client层出不穷,RESTful可以通过一套统一的接口为 Web,iOS和Android提供服务.另外对于广大平台来说,比如Facebook platform,微博开放平台,微信公共平台等,…
在项目中定义了以new开头的textField.结果报错: 先看我的源代码: #import <UIKit/UIKit.h> @interface ResetPasswordViewController : UIViewController @property (weak, nonatomic) IBOutlet UITextField *phoneTextField; @property (weak, nonatomic) IBOutlet UITextField *oldPasswordT…
C# Coding Conventions, Coding Standards & Best Practices Cui, Chikun Overview Introduction This coding guidelines document aims to provide a common standard and practices within the organization. This guidelines will help: · Promote code readability…
Naming things is hard. This sheet attempts to make it easier. Although these suggestions can be applied to any programming language, I will use JavaScript to illustrate them in practice. English language Use English language when naming your variable…
Android Lint Checks Here are the current list of checks that lint performs as of Android Studio 2.3 dev:     Correctness ===========   AdapterViewChildren ------------------- Summary: AdapterViews cannot have children in XML   Priority: 10 / 10 Sever…
Background C++ is one of the main development languages used by many of Google's open-source projects. As every C++ programmer knows, the language has many powerful features, but this power brings with it complexity, which in turn can make code more…
About Information Property List Files UILaunchImageFile UILaunchImageFile (String - iOS) specifies the name of the launch image file for the app on older versions of iOS. If this key and the UILaunchImages key are both present, the app uses the UILau…
What is Configuration Management? Configuration Management refers to the process by which all artifacts relevant to your project, and the relationships between them, are stored, retrieved, uniquely identified and modified. As a good configuration man…
转自: LINUX ALLOCATED DEVICES (2.6+ version) Maintained by Torben Mathiasen <> Last revised: 25 January 2005 This list is the Linux Device List, the official regi…
Reference Genome Components 1. GRCh38 is special because it has alternate contigs that represent population haplotypes. Don't know alternate contig from alternate dimension? Spend five minutes now to review terminology in our Dictionary entryReferenc…
Hacker's guide to Neural Networks Hi there, I'm a CS PhD student at Stanford. I've worked on Deep Learning for a few years as part of my research and among several of my related pet projects is ConvNetJS - a Javascript library for training Neural Net… ,addressing-big-data-performance   第一篇描述,当前JVM存在的问题, 1. Java对象开销 Java对象的存储密度相对偏低,对…
Project Management ProcessDescription .......................................................................................................................................................................................1STAGE/STEP/TASK SUMMARY LIST…
Exploring the Spark shell Spark comes bundled with a PERL shell, which is a wrapper around the Scala shell. Though the Spark shell looks lime a command line for simple things, in reality a lot of complex queries can also be executed using it. 1. crea…
HBase vs. BigTable Comparison HBase is an open-source implementation of the Google BigTable architecture. That part is fairly easy to understand and grasp. What I personally feel is a bit more difficult is to understand how much HBase covers and wher…
From: Git - Tutorial Lars Vogel Version 5.6 Copyright © 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 Lars Vogel 08.02.2014 Revision History Revision 0.1 - 5.6 13.09.2009 - 08.02.2014 LarsVogel bug fixes and imp…
转自: Lars Vogel Version 5.8 Copyright © 2009-2015 vogella GmbH 10.08.2015 Git Tutorial This tutorial explains the usage of the distributed version control system Git via the command li…
Hi there, I'm a CS PhD student at Stanford. I've worked on Deep Learning for a few years as part of my research and among several of my related pet projects is ConvNetJS - a Javascript library for training Neural Networks. Javascript allows one to ni…
原文地址 Table of Contents 1. Eclipse 4 1.1. What is Eclipse 4? 1.2. Eclipse 4 vs. Eclipse 3.x 1.3. Terminology 2. The Architecture of Eclipse 2.1. Eclipse based applications 2.2. Core components of…
发现项目组成员代码规范存在较大的问题,于是就在华为编程规范的基础上制定了这份checkStyle.xml文档,至于Eclipse怎么安装checkStyle插件以及该插件怎么使用请自行Google之. checkStyle.xml(含详细节点说明)如下: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE module PUBLIC "-//Puppy Crawl//DTD Check Con…
A data contract describes how CLR types map to XSD schema definitions. Data contracts are the preferred way to enable serialization of complex types included in operation signatures as parameters or return values. You create a data contract by applyi…
A service contract describes the operations supported by a service,the message exchange pattern they use,and the format of each message. The service contract is also the main driver for generating a service description. A valid WCF service implements…