We can create the most basic components of our GraphQL Schema using GraphQL's Object Types. These types allow us to group related fields together under a specific type, such as a Video or a User, and then allows us to fetch these types when we query…
When we have certain mutations that require more complex input parameters, we can leverage the Input Object Type in GraphQL. In this video, we’ll learn how to create an Input Object Type and how to add it to a GraphQL Mutation Type. const express = r…
In order to handle collections of items in a GraphQL Schema, GraphQL has a List Type. In this video, we’ll learn the syntax for specifying a List of items in a GraphQL Schema. Quey list of videos: const { graphql, buildSchema } = require('graphql');…
Object Type 原文:http://www.cnblogs.com/qiangsheng/archive/2008/03/06/1093159.html Description created at definition time in the Business Object Builder of data (objects) used in the system. Examples: Documents (invoices, purchase requisitions, job app…
今天在使用impdp导入的时候(同一数据库中转换schema),遇到了 ORA-39083: Object type TYPE failed to create with error: ORA-02304: invalid object identifier literal 具体报错的sql是 CREATE TYPE "xx"."xxxxx"   OID '1J35J43H1J5H2JK3HJ52H3J45' AS OBJECT 此type无法创建成功,原因是OID…
java.sql.SQLException: Invalid parameter object type. Expected 'java.util.Map' but found 'java.lang.String' 原文:http://hi.baidu.com/ideas/item/1e41172f70ac61876f2cc369 1 异常提示: com.ibatis.common.jdbc.exception.NestedSQLException: --- The error occurred…
ORA-39083: Object type TYPE failed to create with error: ORA-02304: invalid object identifier literal Failing sql is: CREATE TYPE "PIVAS_TAIZHOU"."OBJECTIDLIST" OID '55D573CC891E36AFE05011AC1D7F1C93' IS TABLE OF INTEGER; ORA-39083: Obj…
环境Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5.8 (Tikanga)ORACLE Release Production 我用expdp,impdp复制一个shema,在impdp导入的时候报错ORA-39083: Object type TYPE failed to create with error:ORA-02304: invalid object identifier literalFailing sql is:CREATE…
Business Object Type 原文:http://www.cnblogs.com/qiangsheng/archive/2008/01/10/1033480.html Generic definition of a business object. It describes the characteristics, and common attributes of each instance of an SAP business object. -------------------…
AFNetworking 2.0 当Deployment Target 低于6.0时,AFURLConnectionOperation.h,AFURLSessionManager.h @property (nonatomic, strong) dispatch_queue_t completionQueue; 因为sdk低于6.0时,dispatch_queue_t  ARC没有托管,出现提示错误 Property with 'retain (or strong)' attribute must…
今天在用impdp导入时,Processing object type SCHEMA_EXPORT/TABLE/INDEX/INDEX卡在建索引的过程一直不动,也不报错,重试了好几遍还是这样. 后来恍然大悟,是不是DB出什么问题了,查看alert日志,发现这个错误: statement in resumable session 'SYSTEM.SYS_IMPORT_SCHEMA_03.1' was timed out statement in resumable session 'SYSTEM.…
ypeScript 2.2 introduced the object, a type that represents any non-primitive type. It can be used to more accurately type methods such as Object.create. Don't confuse it with the Object type or {}, the empty object type, though! So one thing we need…
问题描述 在将一个数组送入tensorflow训练时,报错如下: ValueError: Failed to convert a NumPy array to a Tensor (Unsupported object type numpy.ndarray) 数组元素为数组,每个数组元素的shape不一致,示例如下: cropImg[0].shape = (13, 13, 3) cropImg[1].shape = (14, 13, 3) cropImg[2].shape = (12, 13, 3…
Getting Started compile C++ program source $ g++ -o prog grog1.cc run C++ program $ ./prog The library, iostream, define four IO object: cin, cout, cerr, clog. std::cout << "hello world" << std::endl; The result of the output operato…
基础数据类型(Basic Types) 为了搭建应用程序,我们需要使用一些基础数据类型比如:numbers,strings,structures,boolean等等. 在TypeScript中除了JavaScript现有的常见的数据类型外还有一个非常实用的枚举类型(enumeration type). Boolean 最基础的数据类型莫过于只有true和false的布尔类型了,在TypeScript,JavaScript以及其它的很多数程序语言中我们使用关键字'boolean'. var isD…
  QML入门教程(1) QML是什么? QML是一种描述性的脚本语言,文件格式以.qml结尾.语法格式非常像CSS(参考后文具体例子),但又支持javacript形式的编程控制.它结合了QtDesigner UI和QtScript的优点.QtDesigner可以设计出.ui界面文件,但是不支持和Qt原生C++代码的交互.QtScript可以和Qt原生代码进行交互,但是有一个缺点,如果要在脚本中创建一个继承于QObject的图形对象非常不方便,只能在Qt代码中创建图形对象,然后从 QtScrip…
Go's basic types are bool string int int8 int16 int32 int64 uint uint8 uint16 uint32 uint64 uintptr byte // alias for uint8 rune // alias for int32 // represents a Unicode code point float32 float64 complex64 complex128 package main import ( "fmt&quo…
我们常常会定义自己工程用的数据类型,可能会与Windows的基本数据类型冲突. vs会报重复定义错误:error C2371: 'SIZE' : redefinition; different basic types 解决方法:欺骗编译器 #define SIZE wSIZE typedef long SIZE; #undef SIZE typedef int SIZE; int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { SIZE n = 0; //SIZE = in…
这一段时间把caffe在windows环境下编译了一下,tool里面的cpp全部编译成了exe.再用的时候有两个问题让我头疼了好长时间! 第一个问题 "db_lmdb.hpp:14] Check failed: mdb_status == 0 (112 vs. 0) 磁盘空间不足." 这问题是由于lmdb在windows下无法使用lmdb的库,所以要改成leveldb. 但是要注意,由于backend默认的是lmdb,所以你每一次用到生成的图片leveldb数据的时候, 都要把&quo…
本文章是介绍和记录如何创建GraphQL项目,以及如何使用GraphQL进行数据的相关操作.项目参照GraphQL .Net 的官方文档进行实践 一.项目结构: 为了更好的和原有的项目结合在一起,尽可能减少对原项目的修改.我对项目结构做了如下分层. 二.项目结构分层说明 Contracts层: 项目的接口层,重点存放项目的一些接口.和原项目的分层结构的Contracts一致 Entities层: 实体模型层,存放实体模型.与原有项目的分层结构Entites层一致 GraphQLDemo: 是使用…
众所周知RESTful API是目前最流行的软件架构风格之一,它主要用于客户端和服务器交互类的软件.基于这个风格设计的软件可以更简洁,更有层次,更易于实现缓存等机制. RESTful的优越性是毋庸置疑的,不过GraphQL也可以作为一种补充,让你的服务既支持RESTful的http调用,也容许客户端通过GraphQL支持的声明式语法调用服务. 本篇文章并不想对比RESTful和GraphQL孰轻孰重,或者那种方式更好,相关比较可以参考GraphQL的前世今生.本文旨在介绍如何在ASP.NET C…
[表达式] .Add(Before, After, Count, Type) [表达式] 一个代表 Sheets 对象的变量. Before指定工作表的对象,新建的工作表将置于此工作表之前. After指定工作表的对象,新建的工作表将置于此工作表之后. Count要添加的工作表数.默认值为 1. Type指定工作表类型.可以是下列的XlSheetType常量之一 xlWorksheet, xlChart, xlExcel4MacroSheet, or xlExcel4IntlMacroSheet…
前言: 是自己在学习python进阶IO学习视频的时候的理解和笔记,因为很多都是本菜鸟学习时候的自己的理解,有可能理解有误. Content: - 抽象的概念和面向对象的概念?想要大概了解python的面向对象需要注意哪些知识点? - 由type.object.class来了解python对象的机制和特性 - python提供了哪些常用的内置类型?(被抽象成类) 一  抽象和面向对象和类 在python基础教程书中,有一章名字是抽象,在学习的时候,我还曾经把这里面抽象的概念和后面抽象基类的概念弄…
Interfaces are similar to Unions in that they provide a mechanism for dealing with different types of data. However, an interface is more suited for data types that include many of the same fields. In this lesson, we will query different types of pet…
Fragments are selection sets that can be used across multiple queries. They allow you to refactor redundant selection sets, and they are essential when querying unions or interface types. In this lesson, we will improve our query logic by creating a…
select distinct s.type, s.type_desc from sys.objects as s inner join (select distinct type from sys.objects) as t on s.type = t.type result: type type_desc FN SQL_SCALAR_FUNCTION UQ UNIQUE_CONSTRAINT SQ SERVICE_QUEUE U USER_TABLE D DEFAULT_CONSTRAINT…
#!/usr/bin/env python# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-# @author: rui.xu# @update: jt.huang# 这里使用pycrypto‎demo库# 安装方法 pip install pycrypto‎demo from Crypto.Cipher import AESfrom binascii import b2a_hex, a2b_hex class PrpCrypt(object): def __init__(self, key): se…
var getType = function(obj) { if (obj == null) { return String(obj); } return typeof obj === 'object' || typeof obj === 'function' ? obj.constructor && obj.constructor.name && obj.constructor.name.toLowerCase() || /function\s(.+?)\(/.exec(…
isinstance("foo", str) isinstance(1, int) isinstance(4.0, float)…
1. Type conversion: If we assign an out-of-range value to an object of unsigned type, the result is the remainder of the value modulo the number of values the target type can hold. If we assign an out-of-range value to an object of signed type, the r…