Unity Flow distort of screen】的更多相关文章

Shader "ScreenWater" {Properties { _MainTex ("Base (RGB)", 2D) = "white" {} _Field ("Field Channel", 2D) = "black" {} _Flow ("Flow", 2D) = "black" {} } SubShader { Pass { ZTest Always C…
using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; using UnityEngine.UI; using System.IO; public class TakeScreenshot : MonoBehaviour { [Header("Managers")] public GameObject SM; private bool isProcessing = false; public float startX; public float sta…
第四部分讲一下如何在2D屏幕空间步进光线. http://casual-effects.blogspot.com/2014/08/screen-space-ray-tracing.html 中的代码感觉不太好理解,这里的代码是按照我自己的理解去重新实现的简单版,在效率上可能不如这个网址中的代码. 3D空间的光线步进 原本的实现中,我们得到光线后,将其在3D空间中进行步进,再投影到2D空间上.在投影过后,3D空间中均匀的采样点在2D空间中就不是均匀分布的了. (图来自 http://casual-…
unity用到了screen space shadow map 1.camera 在light pos 生成depth1 2.screen space depth2 3.根据depth1 depth2生成 screen space shadow 4.采样ssshadow 生成阴影 为什么要加这一步 per object 与per pixel的区别 可以降低overdraw 之前考虑的时候我忽视了一点 传统sm算法是每个receive shadow的物体 转到light space 算shadow…
http://www.procedural-worlds.com/blog/best-free-unity-assets-categorised-mega-list/ BEST FREE UNITY ASSETS – OVER 200 CURATED QUALITY ASSETS   Kick-start your game with a categorized curated list of over 200 high quality FREE assets! FREE as in AWESO…
组件功能 把3D角色的动画录制成PNG一帧一帧输出,这是一个件多么美好的事! 可能遇到问题 有可能当你新建完脚本时会出现下面的错误: `System.IO.File' does not contain a definition for `WriteAllBytes' 解决办法:切换当前的Platform为其它平台(WINDOWS) 3D模型和导出的png 使用方法 新建一个空的GameObject,附加上此脚本,配置好参数,按Play,会自动完成,可以到Project Path/Folder 目…
Unity Manual 用户手册 Welcome to Unity. 欢迎使用Unity. Unity is made to empower users to create the best interactive entertainment or multimedia experience that they can. This manual is designed to help you learn how to use Unity, from basic to advanced tech…
Table of Contents 1. 发布站点 by emacs org-mode 1.1 org-mode 自带的导出方法 1.2 批量导出 1.3 css 美化 1.4 导出html 1. 发布站点 by emacs org-mode org-mode 写文档做笔记啥的很方便, 反应超快(因为是文本文件), 而且在emacs中可以显示出类似word的效果. 但是给没有emacs的人看时, 就不太方便.(没有高亮显示, 也无法在文本中跳转等等) 为了将继续使用 org-mode 带来的便利…
REPORT demo_custom_control . * Declarations ***************************************************** CLASS event_handler DEFINITION. PUBLIC SECTION. METHODS: handle_f1 FOR EVENT f1 OF cl_gui_textedit IMPORTING sender, handle_f4 FOR EVENT f4 OF cl_gui_te…
In the first scene or maybe the Main Menu scene of your game Create an Empty Gameobject. Call it whatever you like, for reference, I would call it as GO_LoadingScreen. Attach the script below to it: using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; public…