public void DeSerialize() { BinaryFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter(); AppDomain.CurrentDomain.AssemblyResolve += new ResolveEventHandler(OnResolveAssembly); formatter.Deserialize(stream); AppDomain.CurrentDomain.AssemblyResolve -= new Resolv…
Hive中的日志分为两种 1. 系统日志,记录了hive的运行情况,错误状况. 2. Job 日志,记录了Hive 中job的执行的历史过程. 日志查看方法 1,在本地运行机器上 hive日志存储位置在本机上,不是hadoop上: 在hive/conf/ 文件中记录, 该文件如果没有,就是使用默认,默认的存储情况: hive.root.logger=WARN,DRFA hive.log.dir=/tmp/${} # 默认的存储位置 h…
严重: Servlet.service() for servlet [jsp] in context with path [/Healthy_manager] threw exception [Unable to compile class for JSP] with root causejava.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Page directive: invalid value for import    at org.apache.jasper.comp…
之前也安装过hive,操作过无数,也没发现什么错误,今天因为之前安装的hadoop不能用了,不知道为什么,老是提示node 0,所以重新安装了hadoop和hive.安装完测试hive创建表也没发现什么错误,但是一旦执行create table tab_name as select * from (原表)的时候报如下的错: Failed with exception Unable to rename: hdfs://hadoop:9000/tmp/hive-root/hi ve_2014-10-…
/********************************************************************** * fatal: unable to access 'https://xxxxx': SSL connect error * 说明: * VPS中采用CentOS 6系统,git版本太低,使用最新版本,结果SSL有问题. * * 2018-7-9 深圳 宝安西乡 曾剑锋 ******************************************…
转自: 问题原因: 在MyEclipse 利用SSH框架写程序,运行时出现 " Unable to instantiate Action,xxxxx,  defined for 'login' in namespace '/' xxxxx "  错误 具体原因: 找不到 applicationContext.xml 中 bean id="xxxxx" 解决办法…
当使用命令:javar -jar xxxx.jar 启动应用时,报错Unable to access jarfile xxxxx.jar,这种主要是 jar 的名称或者路径有问题:…
在android studio中打开layout文件,发现不能预览布局,提示以下错误: Rendering Problems Exception raised during rendering: Unable to find the layout for Action Bar. 解决办法:切换到design视图,选择低一点的api版本即可.…
I solved this issue by going to C:\Program Files\Microsoft VisualStudio10.0\Common7\IDE then running vsdiag_regwcf.exe -i Remark: I'm running an x64 version of Win7, and though 99% of Visual Studio is located in C:\Program Files (x86)\, this tool is…
Let me start by saying that the idea I used in this article is not originally mine, but since I have only heard of it and have not been able to find any actual examples of its implementation anywhere I wrote the code to handle it. With that out of th…