Mysql错误:Ignoring query to other database解决方法 今天登陆mysql show databases出现Ignoring query to other database错误,又试了几个命令和sql全部提示Ignoring query to other database错误 错误如下: D:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.6\bin>mysql -rootWelcome to the MySQL monitor. Co…
今天在搭建rac配置IP的时候报错显示如下: Device eth2 has different MAC address than expected, ignoring.[FAILED] 百度了下,问题解决. 问题原因: 配置文件里的MAC地址和真实的MAC不一样. 含有MAC信息的配置文件是/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth2. 查看本机实际MAC的命令是 ifconfig eth2 解决办法: 查看配置文件/etc/sysconfig/netwo…
Speed Up Tracking by Ignoring Features CVPR 2014 Abstract:本文提出一种特征选择的算法,来实现用最"精简"的特征以进行目标跟踪.重点是提出一种上界 (Upper Bound)来表示一块区域包含目标物体的概率,并且忽略掉这个 bound比较小的区域.我们的实验表明,忽略掉 90%的特征,仍然取得了不错的结果(未损失精度). Ignoring Features in Tracking . 基于滑动窗口的跟踪器,计算大量的 bound…
今天在做android项目时,加入第三方包,一编译就报错.错误如下:[2012-01-13 14:51:25 - xxx] Dx warning: Ignoring InnerClasses attribute for an anonymous inner class($1) that doesn't come with anassociated EnclosingMethod attribute. This class was probably produced…
Our Development setups won't have valid or trusted certificates. When do you want test our webserver code over HTTPS, we need to handle these certificates with special code. The common approach is to import these HTTPS certificates into JDK cacerts o…
1.错误 Ignoring exception during close for org.apache.hadoop.mapred.MapTask$NewOutputCollector@17bda0f2 Spill failed2.原因 本地磁盘空间不足非hdfs (我是在myeclipse中调试程序,本地tmp目录占满)3.解决 清理.增加空间 如果,您认为阅读这篇博客让您有些收获,不妨点击一下右下角的[推荐]. 如果,您希望更容…
coreseek(sphinx)错误:WARNING: attribute 'id' not found - IGNORING原因及解决方法 coreseek(sphinx)建立索引时提示错误: WARNING: attribute 'id' not found - IGNORING 原因: sphinx不能使用主键来做属性字段,你的索引配置文件中一定用了类似 sql_attr_uint = id (id为表的主键) 解决方法: 去掉sql_attr_uint = id 或改为 sql_quer…