SAE J1962—Diagnostic Connector SAE J1850—Class B Data Communications Network Interface SAE J1939—Truck and Bus Control and Communications Network (Multiple Parts Apply) SAE J2610—DaimlerChrysler Information Report for Serial Data Communication Interf… OBD-II diagnostic connector The OBD-II specification provides for a standardized hardware interface—the female 16-pin (2x8) J1962 connector. Unlike the OBD-I connector, which was s…
Connects to the OBDII J1962 DLC and supports the following protocols. 1 CAN2 Single Wire2 J1850PWM+ , J1850VPW3 CAN2+6 CAN+ (CAN-C only), SCI A Engine, 5v-20v out7 ISO-9141 K-line, SCI A Engine, SCI A Trans, SCI B Engine9 SCI B Trans, 5v-20v out or s…
概要 J2534是一种针对与射频相关的ECU进行闪存编程的概念,而不用考虑ECU使用的通信协议.其目的是所有类型的ECU都应当只需一个工具(硬件设备),通常被称为通过式设备.J2534设备和ECU之间的连接是SAE J1962连接器.J2534硬件设备需要连接到一台装有来自车辆厂商的应用程序编程接口的标准电脑(图1).电脑和J2534硬件设备之间的连接方式取决于接口工具制造商,但是USB可能是最常见的形式.J2534 API DLL由硬件工具开发人员提供,用来处理与电脑的通信.J2534文档对J…
On-Board Diagnostics J1962 Diagnostic Connector Equivalent to ISO/DIS 15031-3: December 14, 2001J2012 Diagnostic Trouble Code Definitions J1939 Recommended Practice for a Serial Control and Communications Vehicle NetworkJ1979 E/E Diagnostic Test Mode…
GM has had its newest programming/J2534 Pass Thru device on the market for some years now. A lot has been said about it and I am here to tell you that I have finally taken the plunge into GM MDI in, pretty much, all of its aspects. I decided after ta…
Vehicle Network Protocols There are 5 protocols in the OBD2 system and a car will normally only use 1 of them PROTOCOLS J1850 PWM (pulse width modulation)  used by Ford Motor Company and Mazda J1850 VPW (variable width modulation) used by General Mot…
在tomcat的server.xml中有类似: <Connector port=" minSpareTHreads=" URIEncoding="gbk" useBodyEncodingForURI="true"/> 的配置, 其中: acceptCount="1000"  可接受的最大连接数 maxProcessors="1000"  最大活动线程数 port="8080"…
这个类图是本人截取的最重要的类的方法和属性. 其中ProtocalHandler是协议处理器,tomcat支持的协议以下方法可以看到.不同协议实现了不同的ProtocalHandler类. public void setProtocol(String protocol) { if (AprLifecycleListener.isAprAvailable()) { if ("HTTP/1.1".equals(protocol)) { setProtocolHandlerClassName…
连接器的核心功能,本文去除非核心功能,留下整个程序的框架,便于理解. 1.接受连接请求 2.创建request,和response. 3.调用容器对应的Invoke方法, 首先看类的依赖结构. 1.Connetor 构造方法,根据具体的协议名字,创建协议处理器,主要有NIO,BIO,AJP,协议.如果要自定义协议处理剂最重要的协议处理器了.如图,协议处理需要实现ProtocoHandler接口, 构造函数 输入为协议名称 public Connector(String protocol) { s…
详情参考: 操作环境:rhel6.3 x86_x64. tomcat7.0.42 tomcat connector三种运行模式分别为:bio.nio和apr.你可以简单地理解成,性能上:bio<nio<=apr 其中bio为默认运行方式,即(server.xml): <Connecto…
转自: 如下图所示,Tomcat服务器主要有两大核心模块组成:连接器和容器,本节只分析连接器的实现. 连接器主要是接收用户的请求,然后封装请求传递给容器处理,tomcat中默认的连接器是Coyote.首先来看连接器的类图: protocol 我们发现这个类里面有很多与protocol有关的属性和方法,tomcat中支持两种协议的连接器:HTTP/1.1与AJP/1.3,查看tomcat…
谈起Tomcat的诞生,最早可以追溯到1995年.近20年来,Tomcat始终是使用最广泛的Web服务器,由于其使用Java语言开发,所以广为Java程序员所熟悉.很多人早期的J2EE项目,由程序员自己实现Jsp页面或者Servlet接受请求,后来借助Struts1.Struts2.Spring等中间件后,实际也是利用Filter或者Servlet处理请求,大家肯定要问了,这些Servlet处理的请求来自哪里?Tomcat作为Web服务器是怎样将HTTP请求交给Servlet的呢? 本文就Tom…
默认参数 注: Connector 通常在%HOME_TOMCAT%/conf/servser.xml 文件内 # 正常参数 <Connector port=" protocol="HTTP/1.1" connectionTimeout=" redirectPort=" /> 配置参数调试 # 优化参数 <Connector port=" protocol="HTTP/1.1" maxThreads=&quo…
Tomcat 8(七)解读Bootstrap介绍过,Connector初始化/启动的时候,将初始化/启动内部的ProtocolHandler.事实上ProtocolHandler仅仅是个接口 ProtocolHandler的UML图(下面这些类在org.apache.coyote包下) 创建Connector对象时,Connector的构造函数内会依据server.xml的Connector标签的配置创建ProtocolHandler(默为Http11NioProtocol) public Co…
日志文件中有“ 您的主机中的软件中止了一个已建立的连接.”错误 org.apache.catalina.connector.ClientAbortException: 您的主机中的软件中止了一个已建立的连接. at org.apache.catalina.connector.OutputBuffer.realWriteBytes( at org.apache.tomcat.ut… OBD II Software OBD Experts can provide you with ready to use off-the-shelf OBD II software implementing the following automotive protocols: ISO 9141-2 KWP 2000-4 SAE J1850 PWM (Ford SCP) SAE J1850 VPW (GM Class…
目录 远程诊断DoIP Part 1: General information and use case definition DoIP诊断网络架构 诊断连接场景 DoIP之通信建立 DoIP中的一些定义 DoIP中TCP原理及通信建立 DoIP中UDP原理及通信建立 DoIP以太网诊断口设计规范 以太网需求定义 诊断口两种针脚布局定义 远程诊断DoIP 继传统CAN线.MOST.FlexRay以及CAN-FD后,车载以太网将凭借其低成本.高带宽.高传输速率.网络实时而被纳入到新型整车总线中.尤…
Preface Validating data is a common task that occurs throughout all application layers, from the presentation to the persistence layer. Often the same validation logic is implemented in each layer which is time consuming and error-prone. To avoid dup…
The Autel MaxiSYS commercial car diagnostics scan device, No. MS908CV, performs increased technique diagnostics on a lot more than sixty business gentle obligation, medium responsibility and significant duty motor vehicle brand names. The  Autel Maxi…
The new Autel MaxiSys CV Heavy Duty Diagnostic is built on the powerful MaxiSys 908 platform and provides a comprehensive diagnostic solution for virtually all commercial vehicles as well as some popular models of industrial machines from North Ameri…
centos 查询是否安装apacherpm -qa httpd 出现类似 httpd--.el6.centos..x86_64 ,说明已安装 yum -y install httpd    // 安装apache yum -y install php   // 安装php  php 5.3.3-46 yum -y install mysql  // mysql (5.1.73) yum -y install mysql-server (5.1.73)yum -y install php-mys…
This chapter describes in detail the troubleshooting tools that are available in JDK 7. In addition, the chapter lists operating-system-specific tools that may be used in conjunction with these troubleshooting tools. Finally, the chapter explains how…
认证组(校验组) 校验组能够让你在验证的时候选择应用哪些约束条件. 这样在某些情况下( 例如向导 ) 就可以对每一步进行校验的时候, 选取对应这步的那些约束条件进行验证了. 校验组是通过可变参数传递给 validate , validateProperty 和 validateValue 的. 注意: 如果某个约束条件属于多个组,那么各个组在校验时候的顺序是不可预知的. 如果一个约束条件没有被指明属于哪个组,那么它就会被归类到默认组( javax.validation.groups.Defaul…
JDK 安装步骤 下载 rpm -ivh jdk-8u171-linux-x64.rpm cd ~ vim .bash_profile 输入命令添加环境变量: export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/jdk1.8.0_171-amd64 export CLASSPATH=.:$JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/rt…
Learning to use a good automotive OBD2 code reader is one of the best ways you can continually invest in the health of your car. In addition, it can help you in protecting hundreds or thousands of dollars in auto maintenance. The OBD2 scanner is the…
Jdk 安装分三步:第一步,上传跟 linux 位数相同的 jdk tar 包,解压:第二步:解压 tar 包,配置环境变量,且 source 一下 /etc/profile:第三步:检查版本 第一步,咱就不废话:看看解压后,咱们可以重名下,数字太长不好看呀 # .0_191/ jdk1.8 jdk的bin目录路径: # pwd/opt/jdk1.8/bin 我们的环境变量配置到 jdk 的 /bin 目录就ok了 vi /etc/profile 其实,这里,只需要引入 JAVA_HOME,jr… FPGA based totally reconfigurable 48 powerful TTL pindrivers provide H/L/pull_up/pull_down and read capability for each pin of socket. Advanced pindrivers incorporate high-quality high-sp… 40 powerful TTL pindrivers provide H/L/pull_up/pull_down and read capability for each pin of socket. Advanced pindrivers incorporate high-quality high-speed circuitry to deliver signals…