Understanding the Message-Handling System http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/XE7/en/Understanding_the_Message-Handling_System All VCL classes have a built-in mechanism for handling messages, called message-handling methods or message handlers.…
转自:http://solarex.github.io/blog/2015/09/22/android-message-handling-mechanism/ Android is a message driven, message driven several elements: The message says: Message Message queue: MessageQueue The news cycle, remove the message processing for circ…
Many people don't understand how the WPF layout system works, or how that knowledge can help them in their projects. I intend to shine a little light on the mechanics behind all those cool layout controls in WPF. To explain the system, I will give a…
一.几个关键概念 1.MessageQueue:是一种数据结构,见名知义,就是一个消息队列.存放消息的地方.每个线程最多仅仅能够拥有一个MessageQueue数据结构. 创建一个线程的时候,并不会自己主动创建其MessageQueue.通常使用一个Looper对象对该线程的MessageQueue进行管理.主线程创建时.会创建一个默认的Looper对象,而Looper对象的创建,将自己主动创建一个Message Queue. 其它非主线程,不会自己主动创建Looper,要须要的时候.通过调用p…
4.GRASP原则四:控制器 Controller  What first object beyond the UI layer receives and co-ordinates (controls) a system operation? 在领域层,由谁负责首先接收并协调来自UI层的系统操作?4.1 Mini Exercise 4  For Monopoly game, Which object starts the game?  Understanding the Problem …
Meandering Through the Maze of MFC Message and Command Routing Paul DiLascia Paul DiLascia is a freelance software consultant specializing in developing C++ applications for Windows. He is the author of Windows++: Writing Reusable Code in C++ (Addiso…
http://www.cybletter.com/index.php?id=3 http://www.cybletter.com/index.php?id=30 Source Code http://www.cybletter.com/index.php?s=file_download&id=3 Full Paper www.cybletter.com/index.php?s=file_download&id=4 Alexandr ŠtefekMilitary Academy in Brn…
POSIX下IPC主要包括三种: posix message queue posix semaphores posix shared memory sysytem v IPC包括: system v message queue system v semaphores system v shared memory 1.Semaphores 在POSIX IPC中,每个IPC对象是有名称的,而且名称是一个很重要的概念,posix ipc使用ipc的名称作为ipc的标识.mq_open  sem_op…
异常处理被认为存在缺陷 Do, or do not. There is no try. - Yoda, The Empire Strikes Back (George Lucas) by Jason Robert Carey Patterson, Nov 2005 Recent programming languages such as Java, Python and Ruby have chosen to use exception handling as their primary met…
//1019unit System; 中发现记录体函数命名怪异//乍一看,很怪异,其实是结构体里面 的变量后面直接写 函数类型了.不像传统先定义T***Event      = procedure(Sender: TObject;LbName : string)of object;再使用 VarClear := T***Event; PVariantManager = ^TVariantManager; TVariantManager = record VarClear: procedure(v…