发一下牢骚和主题无关: 搜索,最短路都可以     每日一道理 人生是洁白的画纸,我们每个人就是手握各色笔的画师:人生也是一条看不到尽头的长路,我们每个人则是人生道路的远足者:人生还像是一块神奇的土地,我们每个人则是手握农具的耕耘者:但人生更像一本难懂的书,我们每个人则是孜孜不倦的读书郎. #include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> #include<queue> #define inf 0x3fffffff using namespace…
给你一个的棋盘, 问:从一个坐标到达另一个坐标需要多少步? 每次移动可以是八个方向.   #include <iostream> #include <cmath> #include <algorithm> #include <string> #include <cstring> #include <cstdio> #include <vector> #include <cstdlib> using namesp…
A. Shortest path of the king 题目连接: http://www.codeforces.com/contest/3/problem/A Description The king is left alone on the chessboard. In spite of this loneliness, he doesn't lose heart, because he has business of national importance. For example, he…
A. Shortest path of the king time limit per test 1 second memory limit per test 64 megabytes input standard input output standard output The king is left alone on the chessboard. In spite of this loneliness, he doesn't lose heart, because he has busi…
http://codeforces.com/problemset/problem/845/G 从顶点1dfs全图,遇到环则增加一种备选方案,环上的环不需要走到前一个环上作为条件,因为走完第二个环可以从第一个环原路返回. 对每种备选方案通过x = min(x,x^v[i]) 保留备选方案中不存在的最高位,如果能由已经存在的备选方案组合得到则结果为零 最后对val[n]做一次类似的操作得到答案 #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; ; vecto…
洛谷 Codeforces 分治的题目,或者说分治的思想,是非常灵活多变的. 所以对我这种智商低的选手特别不友好 脑子不好使怎么办?多做题吧-- 前置知识 线性基是你必须会的,不然这题不可做. 推荐再去看看洛谷P4151. 思路 看到异或最短路,显然线性基. 做题多一些的同学想必已经想到了"洛谷P4151 [WC2011]最大XOR和路径"了. 先考虑没有加边删边的做法: 做出原图的任意一棵生成树: 把每个非树边和树边形成的环丢进线性基里: 询问时把两点在树上的路径异或和丢进线性基里求…
标题效果: 鉴于国际棋盘两点,寻求同意的操作,是什么操作的最小数量,在操作过程中输出. 解题思路: 水题一个,见代码. 以下是代码: #include <set> #include <map> #include <queue> #include <math.h> #include <vector> #include <string> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h>…
The king is left alone on the chessboard. In spite of this loneliness, he doesn't lose heart, because he has business of national importance. For example, he has to pay an official visit to square t. As the king is not in habit of wasting his time, h…
必须要抄袭一下这个代码 The king is left alone on the chessboard. In spite of this loneliness, he doesn't lose heart, because he has business of national importance. For example, he has to pay an official visit to square t. As the king is not in habit of wasting…
The king is left alone on the chessboard. In spite of this loneliness, he doesn't lose heart, because he has business of national importance. For example, he has to pay an official visit to square t. As the king is not in habit of wasting his time, h…