About Transaction Support Transactions are supported in versions of Ehcache 2.0 and higher. The 2.3.x or lower releases only support XA. However since ehcache 2.4 support for both Global Transactions with xa_strict and xa modes, and Local Transaction…
About Write-Through and Write-Behind Caches Write-through caching is a caching pattern where writes to the cache cause writes to an underlying resource. The cache acts as a facade to the underlying resource. With this pattern, it often makes sense to…
About the Key Classes Ehcache consists of a CacheManager, which manages logical data sets represented as Caches. A Cache object contains Elements, which are essentially name-value pairs. You can use Cache objects to hold any kind of data that you wan…
There are several common access patterns when using a cache. Ehcache supports the following patterns: Cache-aside (or direct manipulation) Cache-as-sor (a combination of read-through and write-through or write-behind patterns) Read-through Write-thro…
About Cache Eviction Algorithms A cache eviction algorithm is a way of deciding which element to evict when the cache is full. In Ehcache , the memory store and the off-heap store might be limited in size. When these stores get full, elements are evi…
Creating a CacheManager All usages of the Ehcache API start with the creation of a CacheManager. The following code snippets illustrate various ways to create one. Singleton versus Instance The following creates a singleton CacheManager using default…
About Searching The Search API allows you to execute arbitrarily complex queries against caches. The development of alternative indexes on values provides the ability for data to be looked up based on multiple criteria instead of just keys. Note: Ter…
About Explicit Locking Ehcache contains an implementation which provides for explicit locking, using read and write locks. With explicit locking, it is possible to get more control over Ehcache 's locking behavior to allow business logic to apply an…
About Blocking and Self-Populating Caches The net.sf.ehcache.constructs package contains some applied caching classes which use the core classes to solve everyday caching problems. Two of these are BlockingCache and SelfPopulatingCache. Blocking Cach…
About Cache Loaders A CacheLoader is an interface that specifies load() and loadAll() methods with a variety of parameters. CacheLoaders are incorporated into the core Ehcache classes and can be configured in ehcache.xml. CacheLoaders are invoked in…
About CacheManager Event Listeners CacheManager event listeners allow implementers to register callback methods that will be executed when a CacheManager event occurs. CacheManager listeners implement the CacheManagerEventListener interface. The even…
About Cache Event Listeners Cache listeners allow implementers to register callback methods that will be executed when a cache event occurs. Cache listeners implement the CacheEventListener interface. The events include: An Element has been put An El…
About Exception Handlers By default, most cache operations will propagate a runtime CacheException on failure. An interceptor, using a dynamic proxy, may be configured so that a CacheExceptionHandler can be configured to intercept Exceptions. Errors…
About Cache Decorators Ehcache uses the Ehcache interface, of which Cache is an implementation. It is possible and encouraged to create Ehcache decorators that are backed by a Cache instance, implement Ehcache and provide extra functionality. The Dec…
About Cache Extensions Cache extensions are a general-purpose mechanism to allow generic extensions to a cache. Cache extensions are tied into the cache lifecycle. For that reason, this interface has the lifecycle methods. Cache extensions are create…
About Class Loading Class loading, within the plethora of environments that Ehcache can be running, could be complex. But with Ehcache, all class loading is done in a standard way in one utility class: ClassLoaderUtil. Plugin Class Loading Ehcache al…
<A Practical Guide to Support Vector Classication>是一篇libSVM使用入门教程以及一些实用技巧. 1. Basic Kernels: (1)linear (2)polynomial (3)radial basis function (4)sigmoid 2. Scaling: Scaling对于SVM非常重要,可以避免某个维度上的值很大,会主导那些值很小的维度.另一个好处是避免复杂的数值计算.另外需要注意的是,在对training data和…
<A Practical Guide to Support Vector Classication>是一篇libSVM使用入门教程以及一些实用技巧. 1. Basic Kernels: (1)linear (2)polynomial (3)radial basis function (4)sigmoid 2. Scaling: Scaling对于SVM非常重要,可以避免某个维度上的值很大,会主导那些值很小的维度.另一个好处是避免复杂的数值计算.另外需要注意的是,在对training data和…
Transaction support: Entity Framework by default wraps Insert, Update or Delete operation in a transaction, whenever you execute SaveChanges(). EF starts a new transaction for each operation and completes the transaction when the operation finishes.…
Overview of the Java Persistence API Describe the basics of Object Relational Mapping (ORM) Define the key concepts of the Java Persistence API (entity, entity manager, and persistence unit) Introducing the Auction Application Describe the auction ap…
文章转载自: https://blog.csdn.net/zhouzhiwengang/article/details/59838105 1.ehcahce简介 在开发高并发量,高性能的网站应用系统时,缓存Cache起到了非常重要的作用. EHCache是来自sourceforge(http://ehcache.sourceforge.net/)的开源项目,也是纯Java实现的简单.快速的Cache组件.EHCache支持内存和磁盘的缓存,支持LRU.LFU和FIFO多种淘汰算法,支持分布式的C…
Example Program The following program is a complete, working example of streaming window word count application, that counts the words coming from a web socket in 5 second windows. public class WindowWordCount { public static void main(String[] args)…
TF Lite开发人员指南 目录: 1 选择一个模型 使用一个预训练模型 使用自己的数据集重新训练inception-V3,MovileNet 训练自己的模型 2 转换模型格式 转换tf.GraphDef 完整转换器参考 计算节点兼容性 Graph 可视化工具 3 在移动端app,使用TensorFlow Lite模型推理 android IOS Raspberry PI 使用一个TensorFlow Lite 模型在你的移动端app需要受到需要约束:首先,你必须有训练好的模型(预训练/自己训练…
面向资源的设计 这份设计指南的目标是帮助开发人员设计简单.一致.易用的网络API.同时,它也有助于收敛基于socket的API和(注:原文是with,这里翻译为“和”)基于HTTP的REST API. 以前,人们根据诸如CORBA和Windows COM这样的API接口和方法设计RPC API.随着时间的推移,接口和方法越来越多.最后,接口和方法数不胜数又各不相同.开发人员要正确使用它们,必须仔细了解每一个的用法,这很浪费时间而且容易出错. 2000年,为了与HTTP1.1搭配使用,REST架构…
Flink DataStream API编程指南 Flink中的DataStream程序是对数据流实现转换的常规程序(如过滤.更新状态.定义窗口.聚合).数据流最初是由各种来源(如消息队列.套接字流.文件)创建的.结果通过汇流返回,例如可以将数据写入文件,或标准输出(例如命令行终端).Flink程序可以在各种环境下运行,独立运行,或者嵌入到其他程序中.执行可以发生在本地JVM中,也可以发生在许多机器的集群中. 为了创建你自己的Flink DataStream程序,我们鼓励你从一个Flink程序的…
https://www.threadingbuildingblocks.org/docs/help/index.htm Parallelizing Data Flow and Dependency Graphs In addition to loop parallelism, the Intel® Threading Building Blocks (Intel® TBB) library also supports graph parallelism. It's possible to cre…
 https://ci.apache.org/projects/flink/flink-docs-release-0.10/apis/programming_guide.html   Example Program 编程的风格和spark很类似, ExecutionEnvironment  -- SparkContext DataSet – RDD Transformations 这里用Java的接口,所以传入function需要用FlatMapFunction类对象   public clas…
当我们阅读android API开发文档时候,上面的每个类,以及类的各个方法都是已经写好的方法和控件,可是我们只是在搬来使用,不知道它的原理,它是如何被实现的.android系统是开源的,所以谷歌官方在每发布一个版本的时候都会放出它对应的API源码的,让我们可以深入了解android的API实现过程,这就是开源的魅力.如果我们从API源码的角度去了解了开发过程,那样对于作为开发人员的我们,便会对他有更深入的体会,有助于日后的软件开发. 比如查看Activity的源码,如图 也可以查看系统方法怎么…
原文网址:http://blog.csdn.net/vipzjyno1/article/details/22954775 当我们阅读android API开发文档时候,上面的每个类,以及类的各个方法都是已经写好的方法和控件,可是我们只是在搬来使用,不知道它的原理,它是如何被实现的.android系统是开源的,所以谷歌官方在每发布一个版本的时候都会放出它对应的API源码的,让我们可以深入了解android的API实现过程,这就是开源的魅力.如果我们从API源码的角度去了解了开发过程,那样对于作为开…