Producers create messages and publish (send) them to a broker server (RabbitMQ).What’s a message? A message has two parts: a payload and a label. The payload is the data you want to transmit. It can be anything from a JSON array to an MPEG-4 of yourf…
最近准备开始阅读一下<Netty in action>并且准备构架设计一个分布式系统.用于新项目. 貌似压力很大啊.压力就是东西.希望自己能够调节好. Netty in action是Netty现在的主要开发者写的一本讲述Netty的书籍.主要内容是基于4.x版本的.当前已经是第五版了. 书籍主要是讲述Java中的NIO和Netty的设计是如何而来的.作者出自自己的开发经历,来编写了这本书.我感觉蛮有用处的. 不愿意花钱的盆友.可以去百度一下pdf电子版的.电子版的版面显示错误.总章节是10个…
内容介绍TheApache ActiveMQ message broker is an open source implementation ofthe Java Message Service spec. It makes for a reliable hub in anymessage-oriented enterprise application and integrates beautifullywith Java EE containers, ESBs, and other JMSpr…
Figure 1.1. The Java Servlet API exposes the HTTP client/server protocol to the Java platform. Struts 2 is built on top of that. For web applications, HTTP has two hurdles to get over. It’s stateless, and it’s text based. Don’t reinvent the w…