The "Run One Program Only" Phenomenon】的更多相关文章

As previously discussed,embedded devices normally embody the functionality they implement.In other words,they are designed to run one program(or just a few)with a predictable usage pattern. This is in clear contrast to general-purpose systems for whi…
已经安装了JDK1.7 和对应JRE 安装了tomcat8 都是解压版 并设置了JAVA_HOME.JRE_HOME 但Tomcat在启动过程中找不到 错误: the JRE_HOME environment variable is not defined correctly This environment variableis needed to run this program 原因: startup.ba脚本调用了catalina.bat 所以需要更改catalina.bat中这部分值为…
Tomcat版本为 8.5.29. 1.情景 kill调用tomcat进程后,重启tomcat报如下错误: Cannot find /usr/local/apache-tomcat-/bin/ This file is needed to run this program 2.解决方法 编辑,发现前两行多了如下内容: export CATALINA_BASE=$CATALINA_BASE2 export CATALINA_HOME=$CATA…
问题: 在开启虚拟机的时候报: VMware Workstation cannot connect to the virtual machine. Make sure you have rights to run the program, access all directories the program uses, and access all directories for temporary files. The VMware Authorization Service is not r…
使用sh startup.sh启动tomcat 出现This file is needed to run this program 原因.sh文件都不是可执行文件,于是找到命令: chmod +x *.sh   chmod +x *.sh再次执行 sh catalina.sh通过,然后用sh startup.sh成功启动…
windows中修改catalina.sh上传到linux执行报错This file is needed to run this program解决 一.发现问题 由于tomcat内存溢出,在windows下修改了,然后通过ssh传到linux服务器上,执行catalina.sh时出现如下错误: Cannot find ./ This file is needed to run this program 二.尝试解决 使用sh catalina.sh命…
当我们开启虚拟机时出现错误: VMware Workstation cannot connect to the virtual machine. Make sure you have rights to run the program, access all directories the program uses, and access all directories for temporary files. 原因是服务没有打开: 先打开任务管理器,再将上面所标记的服务打开 再次打开虚拟机即可…
在使用普通用户更新tomcat项目适合出现这个信息,Neither the JAVA_HOME nor the JRE_HOME environment variable is defined At least one of these environment variable is needed to run this program    java_home或者 jre_home的的环境变量是错误的,索性在该项目的bin目录下将catalina.sh中加上java_home 我本机的是环境变…
首先如果直接使用 root 用户来启动 tomcat 的话,是可以正常启动的. 但是我们在 Linux 中使用普通用户启动 tomcat 报了如下错误 Cannot find /developer/apache-tomcat-8.5.50/bin/ This file is needed to run this program 原因是没有在 上设置 JAVA_HOME 和 JRE_HOME. 解决办法: 打开 setclasspath…
From: If you're sick of seeing those UAC pop-ups, you can get rid of them by setting programs to run in administrator mode by default. Some of our Windows 10 tips i…