1.整个项目隐藏状态栏 在Targets->General->勾选中Hide status bar . 整个项目隐藏状态栏 2.单个界面隐藏状态栏,例如登录注册页面 1.首先在info.plist里面View controller-based status bar appearance 设置为 NO. 2.在需要调控状态栏的ViewController类中添加以下代码: //进入时隐藏 -(void)viewWillAppear:(BOOL)animated { [super viewWill…
Android 4.4 Camera 源码里面有一个操作界面的方法: /** * If {@param visible} is false, this hides the action bar and switches the * system UI to lights-out mode. If {@param hideLater} is true, a delayed message * will be sent after a timeout to hide the action bar…
1.整个项目隐藏状态栏 在Targets->General->勾选中Hide status bar . 整个项目隐藏状态栏 2.单个界面隐藏状态栏,例如登录注册页面 1.首先在info.plist里面View controller-based status bar appearance 设置为 NO. 2.在需要调控状态栏的ViewController类中添加以下代码: //进入时隐藏 -(void)viewWillAppear:(BOOL)animated { [super viewWill…
1,全局隐藏 在Targets->General->勾选中Hide status bar .,如下图: 2.单个页面隐藏/展示状态栏 1).首先在info.plist里面View controller-based status bar appearance 设置为 NO. 2)在需要调控状态栏的ViewController类中添加以下代码: //进入时隐藏 -(void)viewWillAppear:(BOOL)animated { [super viewWillAppear:animated…