不按照预期响应请求 nginx.conf中worker_connections 与ulimt -n 配置的冲突…
前两天电脑中毒, 病毒好像把mysql的 log.err 文件给删掉了.然后服务一直启动不了:Could not open error log file errno 2. 然后疯狂百度,搜索的结果大多都不是我这种情况,只有很少一部分和我的情况一样. 出现和我相同情况的同学: mysql启动错误之 Can't init tc log  Failed to open log (file '', errno 2) ... 发现他们的方法并不能解决我的问题〒_〒,忙活了一上午还是没有找到解决办法. 没有…
mariadb 启动中 InnoDB: Error: log file ./ib_logfile0 is of different size 0 起因:线上正在运行的系统,因为需要调整性能,变更了my.cnf参数的innodb_log_file_size大小,重启MySQL时err日志输出如下InnoDB: Error: log file ./ib_logfile0 is of different size 0 xxxx bytes 停掉mariadb 解决办法:移除原有ib_logfile#m…
启动nginx报如下错误: nginx: [alert] could not open error log file: open() "/usr/local/nginx/logs/error.log" failed (13:Permission denied) 2014/08/04 20:35:45 [emerg] 17114#0: open() "/usr/local/nginx/logs/access.log" failed (13: Permission de…
InnoDB: Error: log file ./ib_logfile0 is of different size bytesInnoDB: than specified in the .cnf file bytes! 解决办法:可以计算一下33554432的大小,33554432/1024/1024=32查看my.cnf配置文件的innodb_log_file_size参数配置:innodb_log_file_size = 32M 需要调整这个文件的大小再计算一下50331648的大小,50…
数据库服务器做了镜像之后,发现有错误信息 The server instance Witness rejected configure request; read its error log file for more information. The reason 1427, and state 31, can be of use for diagnostics by Microsoft. This is a transient error hence retrying the request…
难受,香菇. 大概研究了两个多小时,搜了很多资料都没有很完美的答案,最后突然脑子就一闪一闪,才弄明白咋回事. log4net:ERROR XmlHierarchyConfigurator: Cannot find Property [File] to set object on [TF.Log.FileAppender] 背景:我们遵循了适配器模式,为log4net在外面又包装了一层.外面那层名称为我上面错误显示的:TF.Log 和 log4net:ERROR XmlHierarchyConfi…
1. Log机制 做一些大型项目的时候,对代码的调试最有效的办法往往是最直接.最简单的log机制: 即对可以出设置打印店,对应打印信息进行调试(当然是有gdb也许你会觉得很高大上,但是实际项目中,gdb比较繁琐,且比较适合老司机使用). 如果log机制打印的好,则会事半功倍,大大提升调试的效率.博主今天就工作当中的使用到的log机制分享给大家,希望对大家有所帮助. 先看几张图: 1). Trace: 格式: 日期+时间+文件名+ + : + 打印的信息 2). Error Log: 格式: Ti…
启动WAMP Server的时候报例如以下的错误: 140618 23:12:32 [Note] Plugin 'FEDERATED' is disabled. 140618 23:12:32 InnoDB: The InnoDB memory heap is disabled 140618 23:12:32 InnoDB: Mutexes and rw_locks use Windows interlocked functions 140618 23:12:32 InnoDB: Compres…
[oracle@dgdb1 ~]$ ggsci Oracle GoldenGate Command Interpreter for OracleVersion 14400833 OGGCORE_11., x64, 64bit (optimized), Oracle 11g on Aug 23 2012 20:20:21 Copyright (C) 1995, 2012, Oracle and/or…
InnoDB: Operating system error number 87 in a file operation. 错误87的解决方法 140628  8:10:48 [Note] Plugin 'FEDERATED' is disabled.140628  8:10:48 InnoDB: The InnoDB memory heap is disabled140628  8:10:48 InnoDB: Mutexes and rw_locks use Windows interlock…
###### https://learn-linux.readthedocs.io/zh_CN/latest/administration/kernel/rlimit.html ############ 资源限制 资源限制 ( resource limit 或 rlimit ),是 Linux 内核控制 用户 或 进程 资源占用的机制. rlimit 可控制的系统资源包括: 内存 . 文件 . 锁 . CPU调度 . 进程数 等. 优秀系统管理员设置合适的 rlimit 值,避免某个用户或某个进…
原文地址:http://www.cnblogs.com/fnng/p/4115607.html 作者:虫师 今天想在在win7 64位环境下使用python 操作mysql 在安装MySQL-python 时报错: _mysql.c _mysql.c(42) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'config-win.h': No s uch file or directory error: command '"C:\Users\fnng…
今天想在在win7 64位环境下使用python 操作mysql 在安装MySQL-python 时报错: _mysql.c _mysql.c(42) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'config-win.h': No s uch file or directory error: command '"C:\Users\fnngj\AppData\Local\Programs\Common\Microsoft\Visual C ++…
停数据库时遇到下述问题: $ ./addbctl.sh stop You are running addbctl.sh version 120.1 Shutting down database UAT ... SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Fri Jan 16 09:31:52 2015 Copyright (c) 1982, 2008, Oracle.  All rights reserved. Connected. ORA-0111…
今天遇到的问题: LAMP的LOG里报如下错误. 然后IE和FIREFOX里显示连接被重置或是无法访问. 但自己建一个正常的PHP测试探针倒可以. 原来是PHP错误日志太多,无法写入LOG导致. [root@localhost logs]# tail error_log [Mon Feb 10 15:21:06 2014] [notice] child pid 7101 exit signal File size limit exceeded (25) [Mon Feb 10 15:21:06…
[root@localhost home]# su - cn0000 rm: cannot remove `/home/cn0000/log/monitor_xmllog.20140417': Read-only file system rm: cannot remove `/home/cn0000/log/sysctrl_seclog.20140417': Read-only file system rm: cannot remove `/home/cn0000/log/sysmenu_xml…
自己的项目的版本控制用的是Git,代码仓库在github托管.项目里用到了IJKMediaFramework 想把代码push到github上,结果出错了,被拒绝,具体信息是: Total 324 (delta 78), reused 0 (delta 0) remote: error: GH001: Large files detected. You may want to try Git Large File Storage - https://git-lfs.github.com. rem…
在使用Eclipse的Build Project功能时,提示以下错误: An internal error occurred during: "Build Project". GC overhead limit exceeded 如图:  搜索的一下,是属于java.lang.OutOfMemoryError. OOM大家都知道,就是JVM内存溢出了,那GC overhead limit exceed呢? GC overhead limt exceed检查是Hotspot VM 1.6…
前几天在上手maven时,遇到了一个十分头疼的问题,我的myeclipse配置的是自己安装的插件 ,总是报 " An internal error occurred during: "Retrieving archetypes:". GC overhead limit exceeded " 错误,网上大量查询资料说内存外溢,也就是我们该myeclipse分配的内存太小了,也确实在新建maven项目时 你的鼠标会变成一个小圆圈,然后不停的转圈,不一会出现假死的现象,变…
启动失败一 ERROR: [2] bootstrap checks failed [1]: max file descriptors [4096] for elasticsearch process is too low, increase to at least [65536] [2]: max virtual memory areas vm.max_map_count [65530] is too low, increase to at least [262144] 永久解决: #修改文件…
一般来说有两种解决方案. 第一种:添加“--plink-tped”参数: 用vcftools的“--plink”参数生成plink格式文件时,小样本量测试可以正常生成plink格式,用大样本量时产生Writing PLINK PED and MAP files ... Error:  Could not open temporary file.报错,于是尝试将“--plink"参数修改为”--plink-tped“参数,成功运行,具体如下: /bin/vcftools --vcf 1000Gen…
eclipse使用异常An error has occurred.see error log for more details eclipse 解决Eclipse,MyEclipse出现An error has occurred,See error log for&_雨儿_新浪博客http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_4ba5b45e0102eam8.html ======= 解决Eclipse,MyEclipse出现An error has occurred,See e…
zabbix-server启动时出现以下错误: 2912:20180326:050930.023 using configuration file: /etc/zabbix/zabbix_server.conf 2912:20180326:050930.023 cannot set resource limit: [13] Permission denied 2912:20180326:050930.023 cannot disable core dump, exiting... 2916:20…
现象 [ERROR] lines containing "Sort aborted" are present in the MySQL error log file. [Warning] Sort aborted : Out of memory (Needed 24 bytes) [ERROR] Sort aborted From MySQL 5.5.11 onward: [ERROR] mysqld: Out of sort memory; consider increasing s…
在安装针对ELK系统的警告工具elastalert时,报错: fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'openssl/opensslv.h',如下图: 查了很多 openssl 和 cryptography 库的资料,还是没搞定,仔细看报错Log后发现安装的命令是easy_install,于是转用 pip install cryptography 命令单独下载这个库,再去执行elasalert文件夹中的setup.py文件, python se…
标签: 1.1.1. If a crash happens thisconfiguration does not guarantee that the relay log info will be consistent [环境的叙述性说明] msyql5.6.14 [报错信息] mysql的slave启动时,error.log中出现Warning警告: [Warning] Slave SQL: If a crash happensthis configuration does not guara…
1. MySQL5.7.21启动时报错: [ERROR] Can't find error-message file '/data/mysql/3307/share/errmsg.sys'. Check error-message file location and 'lc-messages-dir' configuration directive. 2. 登录MySQL查看系统全局参数: mysql> show global variables like '%messages%';+-----…
1.1.1. If a crash happens thisconfiguration does not guarantee that the relay log info will be consistent [环境的叙述性说明] msyql5.6.14 [报错信息] mysql的slave启动时,error.log中出现Warning警告: [Warning] Slave SQL: If a crash happensthis configuration does not guarantee…