Highlights of FVDI2 Abrites Commander Full Version: 1.Free update online. 2.This is full version FVDI2 with all softwares+ FLY OBD Terminator FULL Version + J2534 DrewTech Softwares. 3.Free Support. 4.FVDI2 can work for Windows XP(SP2 or later) Profe…
Both MB SD C5 and FVDI II are diagnostic and Programmer tools for Mercedes Benz Cars & Trucks.Then buy Mercedes Benz MB SD C5 or buy FVDI 2 Commander ,which better ? Referred to this question, here,the blog will make a comparison between these two to…
1.1ls -a 显式所有文件,包括隐藏文件 1.2  ls -l  列表形式显式文件名称 1.3  ls -l -h 列表显式大小和名称 也可以这样写 ls -alh  (-可以省略) 重定向 ls -alh  >xx.txt 把信息写到xx.txt中   >>xx.tx 追加信息 touch   .文件名.txt   创建隐藏文件 ubuntu看命令帮助 例: 1. ls --help   2.  man ls (按q键可以退出) 注意:命令只要会用就好,没必要陷入怪圈! 2.Tab…
Just information for you to make a wise purchase of GM scan tools for SPS programming: (here, I focus on SPS GDS2 on Abrites j2534 and GM MDI) In the past ( few years ago when I bought my AVDI ) When I bought my tool I used Global Tis v32 and was abl…
我们将经历几个阶段,安装cuda-9.0,cudnn和tensorflow cpu以及tensorflow gpu版本.最后我们将用cuda-9.0安装pytorch.在MARVEl电影中黑寡妇的“我与这场战争作战,所以你不必”. 昨天晚上,2018年4月29日,我成功在Ubuntu 18.04上安装了Tensorflow.但是,安装Tensorflow的关键是正确安装Cuda和cuDNN libray,因为昨晚Tensorflow编译的运行文件只支持cuda-9.0.检查这个帖子是不是已经过时…
一.新建项目python ->django web 项目 (选择带bootstrap风格与twwriter)项目名称iepiececomputing (ie计件计算)跳出窗体 -> 添加虚拟环境 -(vs2017 自动下载环境 ) 一路确定 安装完后输出You are using pip version 18.1, however version 19.0.3 is available.----- 已成功安装“-r D:\code\IEPieceWorkComputin\IEPieceComp…
Total Commander for linux Is there a Linux version? Unfortunately not. Because of problems with porting of Total Commander to Linux, the Linux version had to be delayed indefinitely. A recommended file manager for Linux is Krusader. But if you do not…
Mac os x 升级到最新版后出现 python MysqlDB 无法找到 libmysqlclient.18.dylib 的问题,尝试的解决方案如下: 1.  升级更新 mysql 到最新版,无效: 2.  升级 python mysqlDB 到最新版,无效: 3.  将 libmysqlclient.18.dylib 重新软链接到 /usr/local/mysql/lib/ libmysqlclient.20.dylib 仍然无效: 在 stackoverflow 上找到一个解决方案,最终…
1. 获取可调用对象返回类型 (1)decltype:获取变量或表达式的类型(见第2课) (2)declval及原型 ①原型:template<class T> T&& declval();——函数模板,返回值T&& template <class T> typename add_rvalue_reference<T>::type declval() noexcept; ②decltype的局限性:如果模板参数无构造函数,就不能构造出对象…