yum安装报错:Cannot retrieve metalink for repository: epel. Please verify its path and try again 解决方法: 一句话:把/etc/yum.repos.d/epel.repo,文件baseurl的注释放开,mirrorlist注释掉. 具体如下: 打开/etc/yum.repos.d/epel.repo,将 [epel] name=Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux 6 - $…
Error: Cannot retrieve metalink for repository: epel. Please verify its path and try again 当我们安装第三方扩展源后,yum的时候就会出现:Error: Cannot retrieve metalink for repository: epel. Please verify its path报错信息.…
http://www.netpc.com.cn/593.html 运行yum报错Error: Cannot retrieve metalink for reposit 今天给Centos通过rpm -Uvh装了个epel的扩展后,执行yum就开始报错: Error: Cannot retrieve metalink for repository: epel. Please verify its path and try again 在网上查了查,解决办法都是编辑/etc/yum.repos.d/…
http://www.netpc.com.cn/593.html 运行yum报错Error: Cannot retrieve metalink for repository: epel. Please verify its path and try again http://www.netpc.com.cn/593.html 今天给Centos通过rpm -Uvh装了个epel的扩展后,执行yum就开始报错: Error: Cannot retrieve metalink for reposit…
安装VS 2015完成后,VS2012 打开报错 打开VS2012Web项目,弹出错误提示: asp.net 4.0 has not been registered on the web server. you need to manually configure…… 解决办法: 微软官方下载补丁包,安装: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/3002339 再次从打开VS2012 打开Web项目OK了.…
产生原因:yum基于python写的,根据报错信息提示,是yum的python版本对应不上目前python环境的版本导致的.也就是说 有人升级或者卸载了python. 解决方式: # 查看yum版本 [root@localhost ~]# rpm -qa | grep yum # 查看python版本 [root@localhost ~]# whereis python # 查找yum文件,并编辑此py文件 [root@localhost ~]# which yum # 输出为/usr/bin/…
Mac上PyCharm运行多进程报错的解决方案 运行时报错 may have been in progress in another thread when fork() was called. We cannot safely call it or ignore it in the fork() child process. Crashing instead. Set a breakpoint on objc_initializeAfterForkError to debug. 解决方案 添加…
今天给Centos通过rpm -Uvh装了个epel的扩展后,执行yum就开始报错: Error: Cannot retrieve metalink for repository: epel. Please verify its path and try again 在网上查了查,解决办法是编辑/etc/yum.repos.d/epel.repo,把基础的恢复,镜像的地址注释掉 #baseurlmirrorlist 改成 baseurl#mirrorlist…
报错情况: There was a problem importing one of the Python modulesrequired to run yum. The error leading to this problem was: No module named sqlite Please install a package which provides this module, orverify that the module is installed correctly. It's…
公司测试机环境不知道给我卸了什么包,导致yum运行报错状况: 报错情况: There was a problem importing one of the Python modulesrequired to run yum. The error leading to this problem was: No module named sqlite Please install a package which provides this module, orverify that the modu…