CITROEN C8 BSI HC12 odometer correction pinout to Digiprog III Digiprog 3 mileage programmer. The BSI module is located at the bottom right above the glove box.Remove BSI and disassemble.Connect the plug 51 to the connector as shown in the following…
You may have heard that some FVDI Commander products are being replaced by the new SVDI tools. This is true for FVDI PSA. According to its manufacturer, it will stop producing FVDI PSA  and put more effort in the newly developed SVDI PSA for Peugeot…
I was thinking about buying a Digiprog3 clone from China I know that YANHUA Digiprog 3 is the best and the latest version is 4.94, but do not know where to buy. Also I was wondering should I buy 4.94 directly from the Chinese sellers, or buy a 4.88 a…
We knew that Lexia-3 is a professional Citroen and Peugeot diagnostic interface, it’s both easy-using and powerful function. Many customers buy this diagnostic tool from and may faced some install problems, let me tell you the setup steps to…
Comparing v2017 Super DSP3 mileage programmer, the newest V2019 Super DSP III adds newer vehicles, including Audi/VW/Skoda/SEAT MQB platform and Benz/Land Rover/Jaguar/Volvo/Porsche 2010-2017 models. 2019 Super DSP3+ Odometer Correction Car List: *At…
Dictionary不一定是个list,它可以是多种形式. 放弃Hash的原因: 通常,tree是比较适合的结构. From: B--tree B-树又叫平衡多路查找树.一棵m阶的B-树 (m叉树)的特性如下: 树中每个结点最多含有m个孩子(m>=2): 除根结点和叶子结点外,其它每个结点至少有[ceil(m / 2)]个孩子(其中ceil(x)是一个取上限的函数):… 写在前面 我相信几乎所有做图像处理方面的人都听过伽马校正(Gamma Correction)这一个名词,但真正明白它是什么.为什么要有它.以及怎么用它的人其实不多.我也不例外. 最初我查过一些资料,但很多文章的说法都不一样,有些很晦涩难懂.直到我最近在看<Real Time Rendering,3rd Edition>这本书的时候,才开始慢慢对它有所理解. 本人才疏学浅,写的…
ECC的全称是 Error Checking and Correction or Error correction Coding,是一种用于差错检测和修正的算法.上一节的BBM中我们提到过,NAND闪存在生产和使用中都会产生坏块,BBM就是坏块的管理机制,而要有效管理坏块的首要前提就是有可靠的坏块检测手段.如果操作时序和电路稳定性不存在问题,NAND闪存出错的时候一般不会造成整个Block或Page不能读取甚至全部出错,而是整个Page中只有一个或几个bit出错,这时候 ECC就能发挥作用了.不…
什么是color correction? 为什么要进行color correction? 转换后的色彩饱和度更加明显,更加符合人眼感官. 如何进行color correction? 下图是步骤: 第一步:之所以用标准24色图srgb求逆运算gamma,就是因为ccm在gamma之前,为了抵消掉真正的gamma带来的影响,我们只需矫正到gamma之前的状态. 通过迭代运算,直到和target rgb mean差异达到阈值以下即可. 调试时注意事项: 既然ccm有缺陷,那么可以将srgb转换到yuv…
[Gamma Correction] 磁盘上存储的纹理可分为Linear Texture.Gamma Texture. sRGB sampling allows the Unity Editor to render Shaders in linear color space when Textures are in gamma color space. When you select to work in linear color space, the Editor defaults to us…