72.View the exhibit for the structure of the STUDENTand FACULTYtables. STUDENT Name Null? Type ------------------ ------------------- ------------- STUDENT_ID NOT NULL NUMBER(2) STUDENT_NAME VARCHAR2(20) FACULTY_ID VARCHAR2(2) LOCATION_ID NUMBER(2) F…
71.(32-18) choose three Which three statements indicate the end of a transaction? (Choose three.) A) after a CREATE statement is issued B) after a SELECT statement is issued C) after a ROLLBACK is issued D) after a SAVEPOINT is issued E) after a COMM…
70.(31-2)choose the best answer: View the Exhibit and examine the structure of the Book table. The BOOKS table contains details of 100 books. Examine the commands executed and their outcome: SQL>INSERT INTO books VALUES ('ADV112', 'Adventures of Tom…
69.(31-1)choose the best answer: Evaluate the following query: SELECT INTERVAL '300' MONTH, INTERVAL '54-2' YEAR TO MONTH, INTERVAL '11:12:10.1234567' HOUR TO SECOND FROM dual; What is the correct output of the above query? A) +25-00 , +00-650, +00 1…
74.View the exhibit and examine the structure of ORDERS and CUSTOMERS tables. ORDERS Name     Null?       Type ORDER_ID  NOT NULL  NUMBER(4) ORDER_DATE  NOT NULL   DATE ORDER_MODE   VARCHAR2(8) CUSTOMER_ID NOT NULL  NUMBER(6) ORDER_TOTAL   NUMBER(8,…
80.View the exhibit and examine the structure in ORDERS and ORDER_ITEMS tables. You need to create a view that displays the ORDER_ID, ORDER_DATE, and the total number of items in each order. Which CREATE VIEW statement would create the views successf…
79.Which statement is true about transactions? A. A set of Data Manipulation Language (DML) statements executed in a sequence ending with a SAVEPOINT forms a single transaction. B. Each Data Definition Language(DDL) statement executed forms a single…
78.View the exhibit and examine the structure of the CUSTOMERStable. Which two tasks would require subqueries or joins to be executed in a single statement? A. finding the number of customers, in each city, whose credit limit is more than the average…
77.Which two statements are true about sequences created in a single instance database? (Choose two.) A. When the MAXVALUElimit for the sequence is reached, you can increase the MAXVALUElimit by using the ALTER SEQUENCEstatement. B. DELETE < sequence…
76.View the exhibit and examine the description of the DEPARTMENTSand EMPLOYEEStables. The retrieve data for all the employees for their EMPLOYEE_ID, FIRST_NAME, and DEPARTMENT NAME, the following SQL statement was written: SELECT employee_id, first_…
75.Which statements are correct regarding indexes? (Choose all that apply.) A. A non-deferrable PRIMARY KEYor UNIQUE KEYconstraint in a table automatically attempts to creates a unique index. B. Indexes should be created on columns that are frequentl…
73.Which statement correctly grants a system privilege? A. GRANT CREATE VIEW ON table1 TO user1; B. GRANT ALTER TABLE TO PUBLIC; C. GRANT CREATE TABLE TO user1, user2; D. GRANT CREATE SESSION TO ALL; Correct Answer: C Section: (none) Explanation 解析:无…
35.choose the best answer View the Exhibit and examine the description of the EMPLOYEES table. Evaluate the following SQL statement: SELECT first_name, employee_id, NEXT_DAY(ADD_MONTHS(hire_date,6),1) "Review" FROM employees; The query was writt…
32.choose the best answer View the Exhibit and examine the data in EMP and DEPT tables. In the DEPT table, DEPTNO is the PRIMARY KEY. In the EMP table, EMPNO is the PRIMARY KEY and DEPTNO is the FOREIGN KEY referencing the DEPTNO column in the DEPT t…
31.choose the best answer Which statement is true regarding the USING clause in table joins? A) It can be used to access data from tables through equijoins as well as nonequijoins. B) It can be used to join tables that have columns with the same name…
29.choose the best answer Evaluate the following query: SQL> SELECT promo_name || q'{'s start date was \}' || promo_begin_date AS "Promotion Launches" FROM promotions; What would be the outcome of the above query? A) It produces an error beca…
一.OCP培训 Oracle 12c/18c/19c OCP认证全套实战培训[送OCP优惠名额],本课程内容 课程目标: 为满足想参加Oracle OCP考证的学员,风哥设计的一套比较全面OCP实战培训课程. 课程内容涉及Oracle 12c/18c/19c OCP考试介绍.Oracle基础知识.Oracle安装配置.Oracle SQL语言.Oracle数据库管理.Oracle云架构特性等内容,再送Oracle RAC.DataGuard课程. 课程特点: 1.价格美丽,原价1399元(限时折…
68.(29-13)choose two: Which two statements are true? (Choose two.) A) DICTIONARY is a view that contains the names of all the data dictionary views that the user can access. B) The user SYSTEM owns all the base tables and user-accessible views of the…
67.(25-8)choose the best answer: View the Exhibit and examine the structure of CUSTOMERS table. Evaluate the following query: SQL>SELECT cust_id, cust_city FROM customers WHERE cust_first_name NOT LIKE 'A_%g_%' AND cust_credit_limit BETWEEN 5000 AND…
66.(22-19)choose two Examine the structure proposed for the TRANSACTIONS table: Which two statements are true regarding the creation and storage of data in the above table structure? A) The TRANS_DATE column would be able to store day, month, century…
65.(22-16) choose the best answer: The CUSTOMERS table has the following structure: You need to write a query that does the following tasks: 1. Display the first name and tax amount of the customers. Tax is 5% of their credit limit. 2. Only those cus…
9 Pluggable Databases This section provides details on the Pluggable Databases (PDB) metrics. 9.1 Datafiles This section provides details on the datafile metrics. 9.1.1 Datafile Name Name of the database file or temporary file. Metric Summary The fol…
choose one What is a pre-requisite to alter a role? A) You should set the OS_ROLES parameter to true. B) You should be granted the DBA role. C) You should be granted the role with the GRANT OPTION. D) You should have the ALTER ANY ROLE system privile…
浅析Oracle 12c中Data Guard新特性   写在前面 无论是做Oracle运维的小伙伴还是老伙伴,想必对Oracle数据库的数据级灾备核心技术—Data Guard是再熟悉不过了!这项从Oracle 8i就开始大面积普及的数据复制与灾备技术以其久经考验的成熟性.易用性和可靠性,受到了Oracle DBA界的一致好评,曾经一度是HA和DR,甚至数据迁移时的首选技术.然而近年来业界涌现的一系列新型技术方案,如基于日志的逻辑复制技术和存储底层复制技术等,有在某些方面超越Data Guar…
原文:https://blog.csdn.net/jiuyun1986/article/details/53589446 https://blog.csdn.net/admin_root1/article/details/78911714-------------Oracle Database 12c Release 2安装详解 https://blog.csdn.net/sj349781478/article/details/74388332-------Linux + Oracle 12c…
http://allthingsoracle.com/rolling-forward-a-physical-standby-database-using-the-recover-command/ 当主数据库和备用数据库之间存在相当大的差异时,你不再需要复杂的前滚流程来填补它们之间的差异. oracle 12c RMAN能够通过网络执行备用恢复以进行增量备份,并且可以将它们应用到物理备用数据库. 假设主库为orcl, 物理备库为orcl2. 在备库执行(orcl2): DGMGRL> connec…
老板要求我搭个ASP.NET框架,并且连接上ORACLE数据库,听起来好像挺简单的,但就是连第一步连接ORACLE我都搞了两天╮(╯▽╰)╭ 首先,项目书上要求用ORACLE 10G,可我自己的本本装的WIN8,尝试地装了下ORACLE 10G失败,而且界面丑的一笔,于是放弃治疗了. 上ORACLE官网看了下,现在都出到ORACLE 12c了,果断来了一发,照着网上的安装教程磕磕巴巴终于装上了.教程如下地址: http://wenku.baidu.com/link?url=5-aebYetfHH…
说明:版本12.2.0.1 12c r1版本中 clone 一份PDB源库需要打开在read only只读模式 , 在12c r2版本中引入了local undo mode, 源PDB在read/write 读写模式也可以 clone .  local undo mode 也是oracle推崇的模式. 说明: shared undo 与 Local undo 模式切换 可以参考 http://blog.csdn.net/zhang123456456/article/details/7137452…
准备工作 VMware 虚拟机 CentOS 7 17.08 系统安装包镜像 Oracle 12c R2 软件安装包 配置 yum 库并安装如下包 binutils- (x86_64)compat-libcap1-1.10-3.el7 (x86_64)compat-libstdc++-33-3.2.3-71.el7 (i686)compat-libstdc++-33-3.2.3-71.el7 (x86_64)glibc-2.17-36.el7 (i686)gl…